Chapter 3

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Your POV

It had been 2-3 weeks since Koneko started helping you try to master Super Saiyan Rosé but to no avail, and it was starting to piss you off

You: Dammit, another failed attempt

Koneko: Hey calm down, you'll get it eventually, hey I thought of something that might help you

You: What is that?

Koneko: Well instead of thinking harmful thoughts to trigger a transformation that only comes out when your really and truly mad, why not think calming thoughts or thoughts about protecting those you care about

You: Huh, never though about that, well it's worth a try, stand back Koneko, I don't want you getting hurt

Koneko: Alright

You stood up tall, closed your eyes and started to clear your mind of all the rage you had felt over the years, and now with them out of your mind, you thought about protecting you friends and your girlfriend. And sure enough you felt your hair stand up and you knew you transformed

               POV change Koneko

As Y/N calmed his mind, I noticed that a small breeze was forming around him, then suddenly a bright light appeared and after the flash of light I saw Y/N standing there, his body engulfed in a sky blue color aura that formed around him and his hair stood up in the same color

Koneko: did it!!! I knew you could

You: Thanks Koneko, I knew you would help me master Rosé

Koneko: Hey Y/N this isn't Rosé your hair and aura are sky blue, this looks like that form but a purified version, what do you wanna call this

You: I'll call it Super Saiyan Blue

Koneko: A little cliché but I like it

You: Koneko, thanks for the help, I couldn't have achieved this form with out you

Koneko: Your welcome, I would do anything for you if it made you happy

                 POV change You

I turned the transformation off and walked up to Koneko and wrapped my arms around her to give her a hug which she gladly returned. I looked deep into her gold eyes and lent in and gave her a meaningful kiss on the lips, she gasped at first but eventually returned the kiss. We parted 15 seconds later because we both needed air

Koneko: I...I'm still not used to this

You: It's ok, I'm not used to it just yet either, hey do you wanna go get some ice cream to celebrate my new form I obtained with your help

Koneko: Sure, sounds like fun, wait is this like our first official date?

You: I mean if you want it to be yeah sure

Koneko: I'd like that

You: Well then lets get going

Koneko: Alright

You both walked hand in hand down the street towards the nearest ice cream shop in town that Koneko knew was near by. A few students from school saw you two and walked up to talk to you both

Male student: Koneko?!? Is that your boyfriend

Female student: Yeah Y/N is she your girlfriend

You and Koneko: Yes

Both students: Well congratulations you two

Male student: Man the school is gonna flip when they find out the school mascot is dating the new guy

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