Chapter 1

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Ever feel like the world is not in your favor? Like it wants to ruin your life? Well I've certainly felt that way and this is my story. Hi my name is Alex and this is my story. This summer was ROUGH my grandfather had been in the hospital since April, my grandmother died in June and in August my other grandfather committed suicide....then two day later my GREAT grandfather died of stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Like I said you get that feeling that the world targets people you love to destroy you and break your heart into a million pieces till you feel empty. I was from a small town everyone knew you and everyone knew your family if they didn't know you. Well that's how I was and I had to get out! Finally I turn 16 and became old enough for my mom to trust me I left and man I went far!To NewJersey I went I don't know why but I did,and I got a roommate that I will meet very very soon...

Hey guys this is my first book it is mostly true except for the fact that I moved and moved in with a roommate and my age but ya know... my name is Ali But my great grandmother calls me Alex so that's what I'm going by...all those devastating things did actually happen. Please don't commit suicide somebody out there LOVES YOU!! Please don't ruin your whole life just because of a few little things kick depression in the ass and fight back! Thanks for reading ❤️

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