What is to come?

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Walking into the living room I sat down in a worn couch. Taking pieces of work that I have finished and setting them on the coffee table. I looked over them with keen interest until heavy knocking is heard on the front door. Ah. That must be the detective that called me earlier. Telling the person that they are to come to in, the door creaked as the person walked in and closed the door after them. A tall man walked in; he was about in his late twenties, had reddish-golden hair and forest green eyes. The clothes he was wearing that of a stereotype detective, brown trench, clean pants and a plain shirt.

"Excuse me, Miss. I'm Mister Novodvorski. Are you, Miss Efah Noir if I’m correct?"  Mr. Novodvorski asked, his voice with curiosity.

            “Yes, I am, but please call me Efah. Also, if you want you may want to sit down.” I replied in a friendly tone.

He quickly sat down on the chair across from me, relaxing into it

 “Efah, can you tell me what happened to you, when you lived in Crystal Manor?”  Mr. Novodvorski asking: being careful for I was more different than most people.

            I leaned back into the chair, a sigh escaping from my lips. Figuring out how to explain what happened to me. Regaining a proper stance in the chair; looking at him in the eye.

            It all started when I was eight, my father had left for work at eight A.M on a Wednesday. I was in the library studying math, I was homeschooled at this time. Until I felt an ominous Presence watching me from the shadows: lurking for something. Turning around seeing nothing that could harm me, I went back to work. The feeling of being watched never left though. I didn't think of anything about it, so for rest of the day I simply ignored it. Supper time came the entire family came to eat. After finishing eating, I finished cleaning the dishes then headed for bed. Laying into my bed, my eyes fell closed.

That Presence came again. It felt larger then back at the library; it almost felt as if gained a body. It somehow gained hands that carefully ran up and down on my spine. I was shivering in fear that it would harm me. The hand moving away from neck, it gave a dark chuckle; laughing at me for being scared of it. The Presence then moved ‘away’ from this room, but I felt that if left this room to see my parents. I would dead on the spot.

Days and nights had passed, little random stuff kept disappearing, but they would always appear again. Just in random places though. Throughout the day fear was intensified, as it neared night that when my fear was at the maximum. He always came out at night and follows me throughout the day, tracking all my moves. But the one thing that I most remember was ‘My sweet dear, come play with me, please? I’m so lonely; I got no one to play with me.’ Always it wants to ‘play’ with me, but I always no to it.

I slowly started to get to less terrified of the presence. Slowly, my fear stared to change into anger, a boiling anger that needed to be quenched by my own hand. I would of strike at that moment, but the thing wasn't there at all. Instead, its laughter rumbled within the bedroom, the thing stated to form. The shadows rose forming into a figure; his…. appearance was unsettling. I fell back, scurrying into a corner eyes widen with fear. Long strides towards direction of me, finally he stops. Bending over, smiling lazy at me. His gnarled hand slowly creeps forward to my face. Jerking my face away from his hand and tightening myself into a small ball.

He laughed deeply at my reaction, eyes pricking with tears. I tried to move, but he stands still in my way. I then kicked him in the shin making his leg move. Shot up and running out of the room. Heading towards the kitchen I about stopped in mid-step. When I realized that I needed a weapon to fend my-self with. Quickly my steps paced to the knife drawer, I heard thumps coming to me. Panicked I rummaged through the drawer until I pulled out a large, sleek knife. The thumping stop, but ragged breathing was heard. I turned my head looking at him, him looking back at me.

"So you finally decided to stand have you?" He said, while lips curling into smile and walked to me.

I grabbed the blade tighter until my knuckles turned white. Gently he cupped my chin, forcing me to look at him. Trying to look away and climb my way out of his grasp. I shivered in fear then out of nowhere my body moved on its own. The blade slashed his cheek open showing the bare bone under neigh and black blood flowed on the remaining part of his cheek. There he stood shocked as if a child found their parents dead. 

Eyes flicked to look at me, within them was pure wrath. He lunged for me, but my reflexes were quicker and we both fell onto the floor. Rapidly I stood back up again. I twisted my entire body towards the male, finding him on the floor, kneeling in in pain. Slowly pacing to him I brought the blade up. When I got to him, the blade fell into the back body. His head rose up and he ripped a blood curdling, anguishing scream. It then it fell onto the floor, bleeding to death or fading into a shadow, again. 

There was then a small clatter from the knife. Looking at my hands with extreme horror, I stumbled back falling onto the floor. Amazed at what just happened.

“I just killed him,” My mouth went a gape and my eyes watered to the brim. “He was killed in cold blood.”

I shakily moved back up, leaning against the wall. My emotions were of shock and happiness. Paced towards outside to calm down and when I got outside. Told myself that I’d never back to that house ever again for I had feared that thing would come and get me to get its revenge. I wa- no I ran during the that night afraid of what was going to happen. I moved through the forest my family had to the town.

Morning came, somewhere along the way I somehow had fallen asleep close to town though. Both my mind and body was exhausted, I just pushed my body to keep moving. I just did not care though if my family had found me or not so I kept moving away from my home. Over the years, fended for myself working my way to be a writer. As you can see now I worked my way there.

My hand reached for my tea and took a sip from it.

“So Mr. Novodvorski do have any questions? Except if this is the ‘real’ story, which it is.” My voice had a slight dipped venom.

Mr. Novodvorski shakes his no and responds with.

“Ma’am that is a truly interesting story. Thank you for having the time to speak with me.”

He then leaves sweat coming down from his head.

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