From One Brother to Another

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A/N: Picture above is you; if you don't like having your appearance be determined by the author, this is probably not the fanfic for you. That aside, enjoy!

Is Hope's Peak really the best school in the world like my brother once told me?

Y/N Izayoi rolled over in his bed as his hand came down on the blaring alarm clock on his nightstand.

Did he want to go to school? Yes.

Did he have any incentive for going to school? Yes.

Was he going to school? Yes.

Eh, who was he kidding, asking himself these rhetorical questions? His big bro was counting on him on top of everything.

Getting up, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and threw the sheets off before staggering into the bathroom and taking a shower, the hot water jolting his senses back to life. With a sigh of content, he continued to wash himself for a good ten minutes or so before shutting off the water and drying himself off.

The new Ultimate Blacksmith strolled back into his room with only a towel on his person as he grabbed a neatly folded pile of clothes off of his dresser. Some black cargo pants with strapped on holsters and a belt, a matching t-shirt, fingerless gloves and brown combat boots and then he realized Hope's Peak had a uniform. With a shrug, he put on the dress shirt, tie, and blazer, and left out the light brown jeans and shoes. His blazer was left unbuttoned and his dress shirt wasn't tucked in like it should've been, thus depicting his appearance as the laid back type.

His head shifted towards the chair at his desk, where a red trench coat (Despair Arc) laid over the headrest. Without a second to waste, he swiped it off of the chair and put it on, the coat fitting his built form perfectly. Such a surprise that was when he first tried it on a few months ago, considering it was a hand-me-down from Sonosuke.

They said I had to wear the uniform, but not all of it, let alone wear it properly. If they did though, I'd prefer they didn't start school so early.

Heading downstairs and towards the door, he stopped and turned his head towards the kitchen, his so-called "candy sense" kicking in. He pulled out his phone to check the time and saw that he still had plenty of time to kill before school started.

The young blond walked inside and found a container with a mixed assortment of brownies, cookies, and pastries sitting on the countertop, covered in Glad-Wrap with no more and no less than three sticky notes.


Y/N, these treats are all for you. Good luck on your first day of school! - Ruruka Ando

P.S. They are good bargaining chips to use against Sonosuke or your new classmates, so use wisely ;)

Y/N seemed surprised for a moment before he chuckled, peeling off the Glad-Wrap carefully to use later, knowing it'll make a good trap. He doubted world-class assassins or even his brother were ever trained in the art of Glad-Wrap (it's an art, fight me). The prodigy blacksmith took one of the cookies and sunk his teeth into the heavenly chocolate chip-filled dough. They tasted like Ruruka had made them just for him and he moaned in delight.

Then he tried a brownie and the gooey triple chocolate inside yielded the same result, its flavors exploding in his mouth.

Goddamn, they didn't call her the Ultimate Confectioner for nothing...

Sure, Ruruka Ando had a mean streak, but when it came to her boyfriend's little brother, it only took her a second to crumble and lower her barriers. At first, the boy didn't have any idea why she always kept certain sweets away from him, specifically those chocolates she always carried with her, but he shrugged it off and carried on while grabbing his school bag from the backrest of a chair.

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