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(Edited and made better from  enjoy my loves !!! ❤️ ~J)

Lynn's POV

Honestly why do I get picked on? I've done no wrong to nobody. I never asked to be in this world. Never asked to be targeted by people who hate me. Why do people hate me?

I wasn't trying to take Chase from Britney. Never would I do that to anyone. I'm not a cruel bitch like her and her plastic sluts.

While I was running and thinking to myself I felt a few drops of water land on my head. I looked up and it started to down pour onto me.

"Fucking great!!!!" I screamed/cried

God I'm a pathetic sad girl. I got some weird looks from people walking by me under umbrellas. Which I gave them a; 'What the hell you lookin at?' look.

Most turned away and continued with there day while others just looked and gave me rude looks back.

I steady my pace to a slight jog while it was raining. But that returned myself to my thoughts.

What the hell did I ever to deserve this?! A bloody nose and bruises over my body!!!!
Ughhhh I wish I was dead!!! 'No Lynn. That will mean they won and probably be happy your gone.'

As I reached my home I looked to see if my dad is home. Good he's not home I don't need insults at this particular moment or more pain. As I walked into my house I smelled cigarets and alcohol consume my nostrils.

I made a gagging sound as I covered my nose with my hand. God this house smells awful.

Stepping over beer cans cigarettes buds all I could was say out loud. "God Richard how much can you smoke and drink a day?" 'Well he can drink for an army that should say something.'

When I was done looking over the cans and buds I walked up the stair where I find more cans and buds around the house. Great I know I'll be stuck cleaning this all up.

Walking into my room, striping down from my wet clothes just to my undergarment. Grabbing some dry clothes and towels walking into my bathroom.

It was small but that's enough for me. I kept it as clean as possibly but it was hard to do when Richard keeps me busy with his mess he makes. Turning on the water in my shower getting to the temperature I want. 

This was an overdue shower I needed. Something to relax my muscles and forget the pain I endure. Once the water was the right temperature, I strip my undergarments and took my hair down from its tight ponytail letting it cascade over my shoulders a bit.

While I was washing my hair I could hear my laptop making a bing sound telling my I have a message. Wait a message? Who would message me?

'Probably Britney to give you another lesson.' I shook my head from that thought. No don't think about that. It will ruin showers for you. This is a safe place your safe haven.

As I washed my body the body wash smell reminded me of my mom. God I missed her. Yes I know I called her a bitch but she died and left me here to suffer. How could she do that to me. She promised to never leave me here. But she lied to me and left me.

I lo..I can't even say the words anymore. Ever since she died I could not say those words ever again it hurt to much and made me angry upset and scared to ever love someone. Afraid they will leave me like she did.

When she died. Richard my father he went on a bad path drinking,smoking,and doing drugs. Everything basically. It hurt him more than me. They where high school sweet hearts. But you would think he would care for his daughter but no. He treated me like shit. For years on end the torment and pain he gave me, made me hate him and my mom more than ever.

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