Chapter 5

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Your POV

Apparently I have most of my classes with Damian,so that sucks ass.
'hopefully Gym class is Damian free.' I thought walking to gym. when got into the locker room,I got my locker,and the combination,then put my stuff in it,and changed. When I walk out of the locker room guess who I see. 'OH MY FUCKING GOD!' I screamed in my brain. It was Damian. He's probably stalking me. For the warm up I just hulla hooped a loner.

I kept looking at Damian for some reason. He was playing basket ball. As I could see He was kicking everyone else's ass. 'his shirt is to small' I though as I looked at Damian. You could see his abs through his shirt. I just looked away and continued to do what I was doing.

When the teacher blew the whistle everyone went to the middle of the gym.

"Today we will be playing dodge ball!" I could tell that she was excited.

"Damian remains our champion of the Month,but since its a new month this game will determine who will be the champ for this month." I just thought of how stupid the 'Champion of the month' sounds. The fastest and strongest gets to be the champion as the other kids feel like losers. I dont know why,but I want to kick Damian's ass in this game.

We set up the game and Damian and some other girl were team captains. Luckily Damian didn't pick me,but the sad thing is I was the last pick.

"Ok I know you all know the rules ,but I'm just going to repeat them because I need to say them every class." The teacher sighed.
" No cheating. when I say cheating I mean if you get hit your out,so don't say that your not out when a ball hits you. Remember you aim the ball below the neck. I dont want to send anyone else to the the the nurse." She glaced at Damian. So I just guessed that he sent someone to the nurse's office by breaking their nose or something. While the teacher was talking I noticed that Damian was whispering to everyone in his team,and after he said what he needed to he pointed to me. Once the teacher was finished she blew the whistle and the game began. I managed to get a ball,but almost everyone in shit heads team got a ball. They got in a group ,and threw the balls at me. I just ran to the other side of the gym.

"That little shit!" I was pissed. how is he gonna target me like that. I didnt do anything to him. so I started playing again. I didn't throw the balls,I just started catching them. I could tell that pissed the other team off. After about 8 minutes it was just me,Damian and a random guy. Damian threw a ball at me,and I did a back flip to dodge it.

I have really good reflexes,well thats what Selena told me. She kinda helped me out when I first ran away. She taught me how to defend myself from creeps,and how to break into small stores and houses.

I thought of the stuff Selena helped me with while dodging. I caught a ball that was thrown by the random boy on Damian's team and then there was two.

"Damian why do you hate me?" I asked. "I've been nothing but nice to you and you try to get everyone in your team to get me out. Like damn,I've meet a lot of Pricks in my life,but you sir are a cactus." I could tell when I said that he got mad,and he threw a ball at me.

"oh you mad asswipe?" I could hear the kids laughing,and then another ball was thrown at me but I dodged it barely

"well look at that. you threw all your balls at me. Ha well that sucks. WATCH OUT BEHIND YOU!!" I pointed next to Damian and the dumb ass fell for it. I threw the ball,but it hit his man parts. I watched him fall to the ground.

"Ahh Shit that must've hurt Sorry Damian." I tried to apologize,but he just glared at me.

"grr fuck off L/N." He got up and walked to where everyone else was.

"And then there was one....wait!"I looked at the other side of the gym
"I WON!! WE WON!" I yelled jumping up and down,and looking at my team. The gym teacher was in shock so I guess I was the first one to beat Damian. My team cheered as Damian's team were mad and shit. I looked at Team Damian.

"its just a game." I winked that them.

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