While on vacation in Chicago, Y/N runs into the your all time favorite band. BTS. You had no clue they'd be in Chicago! Then you realized you were there due to a kpop convention. Would they be surprising fans? Oops, sidetracked.
Come along this magi...
y.nPOV\ BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP B- You had just turned your alarm off. Why did you think it was a good idea to have an alarm set while on Vacation? Oh wait, this is Chicago baby! Not something really said, mostly from you, but it felt appropriate. You always wanted to come here after you had realized this was a popular place for conventions. You thought that, even though we all know you're probably filled with anxiety over all the people, it would be AMAZINGGGG to go to a convention. And in your favor, they had a Kpop convention going on! Filled the Exo fandom, BTS fandom, Vixx fandom, and so much more. You liked other bands, but your favorite was BTS. You didn't really know why, but it was.
"Y/N! COME DOWNSTAIRS DRESSED AND READY TO GO! I WANT STARBUCKS AND I HAVE NO CLUE HOW TO DRIVE YOUR CAR!" yelled your best friend, Kendal, from down the hall. She's just as crazy as you are over bands, but they speak English. She doesn't mind the foreign languages though. She's a BTS stan like you are.
"I just woke up.. And I need to drive. Really?". That's all you could think about.
"I'LL PAYYY!". . . . . Deal. "COMING!" You yelled back. You jump out of bed and rush over to your hotel room closet. "What to wear.." you ask yourself. You find your favorite J-Hope merchandize, as Hobi is a big inspiration to you. It was a pastel pink one, so you decided black, ripped, high-waisted skinny jeans would look good with the shirt. "Y/N COME ON!" Kendal yelled again. "IT HAS BEEN ONLY A FEW MINUTES. CALM DOWN."
You walked over to the vanity and decided that, hey! We're in Chicago! Our first convention was today! Let's look good!
You tried your hardest on everything. Winged eyeliner, contour, E V E R Y T H I N G. It turned out really good, which caught you by surprise. You weren't the best at makeup.
You walked downstairs to see your raven-head friend waiting impatiently. You smiled innocently and put on your pastel pink vans to match your shirt. "Let's go Kendal. I want food.. And Starbucks."
As you were walking to Starbucks, (your car was an idea, but you wanted to walk) you were talking about the convention. It was our time to meet so many new people. You couldn't be more excited and nervous.
"So, (Y/N).. What if there-" Crying. Screaming. You look over in the direction you heard the commotion. You almost fainted from what you saw.
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THEY'RE RIGHT THERE. THEY'RE SO CLOSE. OH MY GOD. THEY'RE WALKING OUR WAY. THE TWO NEED TO MOVE BUT YOUR LEGS WON'T WORK. You look over at Kendal who was crying already. Happy tears streamed down her face. WE CAN'T EVEN MOVE. THEY'RE R I G H T T H E R E! W-wait one second. I'm blushing. Why? I mentally slapped myself pretty hard. You're blushing because seven cute fluffballs are like, 10 feet away and you're standing there. "AYE! (Y/N) GET YOUR BUTT INSIDE.", Kendal yelled from the doorway of Starbucks. You rush over there, not taking your eyes off of them. Kendal drags you inside as you froze in the doorway and smile like an idiot. Kendal was looking at you like you were a physcopath. "What happened?" She questioned. You waited to answer until you ordered and sat down. ... "It's nothing special. I made eye contact with Jimin and Precious Hobi. They're eyes are-" They walked in as you began to finish you're ten page essay about how beautiful their eyes are. The two of your faces flush with redress again. Man, who knew blushing could happen so much. Their security guard had to ask to lock the door due to the 100,000,000,000 fangirls screaming outside. How were the two so lucky to make it inside before them?.. Ugh, hearing their failed English accents makes you smile and want to scream. Kendal punched your arm and pointed over to the seven angels. W-wait.. Why was Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin looking our way. Also, wHY DID PARK JIMIN WINK. Lil' playboy.. Cute.. Lil'.. Playboy.. You're gonna fall hard (Y/N), for one of them. They all ordered and walked towards a table. They made a quick glimpse at each other are came to our table. This has to be fake. All relationships start in Starbucks. The heck. Namjoon smiled and I saw Kendal's blush deepen. She's such a Namjoonie stan. "Hello ladies, mind if we sit?" Namjoon asked. "W-with us?! Y-y-yes! Ah! Please do!". You slap yourself mentally again. TheybowedomigodwhyamIsoattractedtothat? They sat down. Kendal was silently dying as Namjoon sat besides her. You never took your eyes off Hoseok. Wow. He really is an angel. WAIT HE'S SITTING NEXT TO YOU ABORT LOOKING ABORT LOOKING! The nine of us all began talking and frick fracking YoONGI LET YOU TOUCH HIS HAIR. Your life's accomplished. "Hey, (Y/N). Are you single?", asked Hoseok. Jin got flustered which was cute as heck, "Hyung. Now isn't a good time to ask that. We just met them." Hoseok frowned. "You're not my mom, stob it!" You just giggle. Jin kinda was the mom of the group.. You better off answer though. "Yes J-hope. I am single." He smiled and moved closer to you. Yah! He's so cute! You continue to talk, the two of you, as Taehyung began throwing stuff at Jungkookie. You and Hoseok got along pretty well. So did you, Jin, Yoongi and Jimin. Actually, you got along with them all. Sadly, this dream wouldn't last forever. They had to leave. B-but, they gave us their numbers! Man, life is one our side today! You get up due to the fact that you wanted to hug them, but instead life had a better idea. OKAY LIFE CHILL. Hoseok kissed your cheek. Bdjshdiehaksbsidhdu Okay. Okay. Chill blush. You hug everyone and bid farewell. You fall down into your seat. You and Kendal just sigh and smile. "What a great way to start the day." You hum in agreement. You looked out the window as the boys leave. You wave and sit back down. You change all of their contact names quickly and finish talking to your best friend. Your phone goes off as you end your conversation. You quickly check it. Today was going to be a good day.
New text message from: Hoseok💕😍, MochiJimin✨😉, MinCUtie😛. A groupchat was made! Hoseok💕😍 Joonie👌👀 Kookie💛 MinCutie😛 TaeTae😊 MotherSeokjin😙😋 MochiJimin✨😉 Kendal😤❤