one || unit 011

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one || unit 011

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one || unit 011

  he walked down the hall with some papers in his hands. his expression cold and serious. his skin pale like porcelain.

  the white walls of the asylum matching with his skin and clothes. he didn't like wearing medical coats so he dressed in white, thinking it made up for it.

  the white medic mask was almost always present on his face in asylum, complimenting his black eyes and blonde hair.

  as he finally reached the front desk, the girl behind it smiled “ah, hello dr.min”,

  “jisoo ~”, he whined annoyed “i told you not to call me that! ”, the girl laughed and spoke up again “fine yoongi oppa, here, this is your new assignment”,

  he looked at the paper jisoo gave him. it was meaning the last patient was cured successfully. just like everyone. yoongi never failed to cure people.

  last patient was diagnosed with paranoia, which yoongi felt with a lot. because now days, he thinks it's safer to be paranoid in certain places.

  this was a new patient, but as he scanned his profile, his eyes caught the number of the unit the patient was in.

  “unit 011 ?”, he asked, surprised. the other sighed and nodded “yeah, i was surprised too”,

  the units 007; 056; 034 and 011 are the most dangerous units in the asylum. it contains patients with several strong disorders, for example, split personality, combined with multiple other disorders.

  he continued reading and scanning the profile. trying to study it as soon as possible. because his work gave him no time to sit down calmly, sip his coffee and scan everything slowly.

name: jung ho seok
age: 23
unit: 011
disorder(s): split personality; schizophrenia; mentally unstable; insomnia.
treatment started: 05/09/2014
medicine: fluoxetine
previous psychiatrist: dr. kim jisung

  he then proceeded to look at his treatment history, because the medicine seemed odd to yoongi, since they were dealing with so much disorders.

treatment history: patient took amitriptyline and phenelzine, but there were side effect of nausea and fainting often. insomnia effects were seen after and so the medical treatment from it stopped.

  yoongi furrowed his eyebrows ‘amitriptyline and phenelzine are antidepressant drugs with strong side effects’ he turned to the girl, not missing her kind of scared expression at first she has seen himhe immediately thought. he was a master at reading humans.

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