five || black in snow

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five || black in snow

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five || black in snow

  his hands were cold, red from temperature. he was standing in the snow. wait, why were his hands cold ? where was he ? the last thing he remembers is —

  “flower ! are you coming ?”,

  he's heard this voice before. could it be. . . “hoseok - ssi ?”, he looked up from his hands. the said man looking fondly back at him.

  “ ‘hoseok-ssi’ ? why the formalities flower ?”, he asks, clinging onto the smaller's arm and dragging him somewhere.

  yoongi stared in awe. where was he ? why was he with hoseok ? why wasn't hoseok in asylum or better yet, why were they in a forest, which was covered in snow ?

  why were random yellow fairy lights scattered around the tall trees ?

  those questions didn't matter now. why ? because hoseok looked so damn good in black.

  how those black jeans hugged his muscled thighs just perfectly, how that black jacket was perfectly sculpting his arms and back.

  yoongi wondered why he wasn't cold.

  how some of the snowflakes even landed on his perfectly arched nose. how his feet disappeared slightly in the fluffy white snow, creating a trail.

  the whole scenario was so pretty, so calming, that yoongi almost forgot. almost, but. . .

we will be arriving in daegu shortly, please get ready to get off on the last station. thank you for using our company to travel.”,

  oh. he was dreaming. of course, none of the dream's details made sense. but oh how he wishes it was possible. how he wanted to love hoseok.

  but how much longer can he stop himself ?

  yoongi loved his home. nothing was better then his home, his family. his dad praising his success, his mom teasing him about this ‘hoseok guy’

  of course, yoongi's mind just had to wonder off about hoseok and the dream in the train every ten minutes.

  he had never hurried to come back to the noisy, busy seoul streets. . . until now.

  he couldn't wait to see hoseok, for some reason.

  when he arrived back at seoul, he booked the visitation to hoseok immediately.

  he dressed in ripped, black jeans and black hoodie. he kept his messy hair and he finally used the flower scented perfume seokjin gave him for his birthday.

  i mean, he calls me flower. so, maybe he'll be more comfortable like this ? ah ! min yoongi ! stop it !

  he shook his head and grabbed his phone and keys, walking down the streets and made sure to buy caramel coffee.

  “i'm here for visitation with jung hoseok in unit 011”, yoongi said, leaning on the bar-like registry.

  “please register in her — yoongi oppa ?”, jisoo asked, surprised “why are you registering ? don't you have medical visitations ?”,

  “nope. i want to visit him as a person for once”, he answered, leaving his signature on the register paper.

  jisoo hummed “i see. welp, you can go inside the room anyway. want me to turn off the cameras ?”,

  “that'd be great, but they'll be angry”, yoongi said, frowning a bit.

  “i won't tell anyone don't worry”, she smiled.

  “oh ? what did i do to deserve your generosity miss kim jisoo ?”, yoongi teased.

  “i see how you look at him ~", she answered, smiling wider cheekily “you are playing with fire, but as long as you're fire yourself, it should be fine”,

  “please stop with dumb quotes”,

  “rude !”,

  he walked down the unit 011 and knocked on the door, before entering. he couldn't help, but notice how hoseok's eyes lit up.

  “flower ! you're back !”, hoseok ran up to yoongi, the older flinching, but not backing up ‘fuck the rule 046 ! hoseok can hug me as much as he can !

  “i'm sorry flower ~ i accidentally broke a security guard's arm ~”, he whined while hugging yoongi.

  it's good that cameras are off, or else, hoseok would be tackled by 3 guards by now

  “you're crazy hoseok-ah”, yoongi whispered and hugged back.

  “mhm ! that's why i'm here ! but i'd never hurt you flower !”, he chimed.

  “what guarantee do i have ?”, he asked, genuinely interested of how much he could trust the brunette.

  “because i like you flower !”, hoseok answered casually. as if it wasn't that important, except it made yoongi blush a deep red.

  “hoseok-ah ! don't say things like that so carelessly !”, yoongi scolded, making hoseok chuckle. comfortable silence filled the room, both males enjoying the warmth of the other.

  “you know, i dreamed about you”, hoseok suddenly said in a hushed voice, as if he was sharing his deep, dark secret.

  “really ?”, yoongi said, more surprised then he should be. because he also dreamed about hoseok. this was strange. very strange.

  “yeah. we hung up christmas lights on the spruce trees and it was snowing a lot ! we were going to some kind of dinner, but i woke up”, hoseok smiled sadly “wish it lasted longer”,

  ‘is this some kind of soulmate shit ?’ yoongi thought, in awe, then it occured him.

  he pulled a cup from behind him “caramel coffee ? it's your favourite”,

  hoseok smiled lovingly “you remembered, flower ?”,

  “of course i did”, yoongi returned the warm motion. if only hoseok could be out. . . only if they hadn't met here. . .

  he must cure hoseok as soon as possible.

[ to be continued. . . ]

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