Chapter 2. Adreniline & Tatoos

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{ Winter Hollenbeck }


I didn't get it, why people were so scared. It's just life, someone on Earth dies every millisecond. But nobody stops to think about it, death is a part of us. If a person dies every second then why is everyone so afraid? It happens to all of us, you could die at any second.

I looked down at the blue lake as my feet dangled over the edge of the railing. I closed my eyes and let myself fall. I tried to open my eyes but it was hard against the rushing wind. I wanted to see it though, the water, as I slowly got closer and closer.

My eyelids pulled back against the wind and my vision was blurry with tears forming in my eyes. My face was numb but it felt like I was flying. I spread my arms as the water got so close I could almost touch it. Then, all of a sudden, my body jerked back upward.

As I bounced though the air on my bungee cord I felt exhilirated. My harness pulled me around and I imagined seeing myself being pulled and yanked around in the air like a dummy of sorts. To think of there was no harness or if the cord snapped I'd be dead.

It gave me a rush knowing my life was almost gone, yet here I was. Even though I should be concerned about the pain in my lower back I can't help but savor the andreline coursing through my veins. I closed my eyes as I just dangled there waiting for the boat to start coming out to pick me up.

I heard the boat engine becoming louder and my friend Josh calling my name. I pulled my body up to reach the harness and leg straps. I didn't want to go down yet though so I waited a couple more seconds before unstrapping the last one and letting myself drop. I wasn't high enough that the water stung when it hit my back but I still felt the slap of it as the water swallowed me under.

The water closed around me causing goosebumps to cover my skin. You might call me crazy or an andreniline junky, but the truth is I just want to have fun because you never know when you won't get to anymore. The second I die could be the next. You only get one life, one chance, so I'm going to make the most of mine. As I pull myself into the boat I look at Josh.

He doesn't like that I do all of these "crazy" things. But he tags along, doesn't he? Sure, he says it's to sure I'm safe, but I think he enjoys watching me as much as I enjoy doing it.

"God damn it Winter! Don't stay under water so long, you scare people." I heard him mutter quietly.

"Shut up Josh. You're just a wuss." I reach and grab Josh's hand, feeling warm tingles as I turn it over to look at his watch. He's the only seventeen year old who actually wears a watch. My eyes widened as I read 2:00 P.M.

"Crap! I'm gonna be late."

"For what?" Josh asked.

"My tattoo appointment, duh!"


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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2014 ⏰

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