Chapter 4

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" Freddy mijo is that you " My mother called out when I stepped foot into the house.

" Who else would it be. Did you think it was dad or something cause we all know he's never coming back " I laughed before realizing that I was kinda harsh and I probably hit a soft spot.

" Im sorry mom " I apologized when I saw hurt written all over her face.

" Here, I have some things to take care of " she handed me Rosie before grabbing her car keys and walking out the door.

Who knew I'd have so much to do at only 16 years old..

" Hey baby " I held the sleeping baby against my chest and stared at her. I don't care if she wasn't planned. I love her and I'd do anything to make her happy.

I walked up to her room and set her in her crib before pulling out my phone and searching through my contacts.

" Hey Nadia, could you take care of Rosie tomorrow? My mom has work to do and I have to go to school and I can't keep bringing her to my grandma's house " I spoke through the phone.

" Freddy, I already told you, I want nothing to do with that baby so please don't ever call me again " she hung up on me.

It's her child too for Pete's sake!

She can't always do this to me. I'm officially done with her. She always says the same thing and the next day she calls me and asks me to see Rosie.

My baby doesn't deserve to have a mother who doesn't really care about her.

This whole thing started four months ago. Rosie was 5 months old by then.

Nadia came to my house telling me that she had a surprise for me. When she arrived she was super nervous and when I asked her what was going on, she told me that she had a child and that I was the father.

She and I met because of my cousin, Josh and we would hang out but we never dated.

Even though I don't recall doing anything at all with her, she started talking about the party  and told me that we were both drunk and that I'm the one who got her pregnant.

I didn't want to take care of the child but she said either I take the baby or she would've given her up for adoption.

And god knows that Rosie deserves better.
So I took her in and gave her all the love she needed. And now she's everything to me.

Even though we don't have much and I'm still jut a sixteen year old trying to get through high school, I'm going to raise this baby up right. I'm going to make sure she never makes the same mistakes I've made.

I still haven't told the band about my child. It's not that I was embarrassed by Rosie or that I didn't think she was important enough but I'm just scared of how people might react.

I know people would start treating me differently if I told them that I had a nine month old child and that I was raising her alone.

So we can just say that Rosie is my secret. Even though Tomika knows about her, at least she thinks it's my sister and not my daughter.

I got cut off from my train of thoughts when the baby started crying.

I walked up to her and started rocking her but it wasn't working.

She wasn't dirty, she wasn't hungry, I had no idea what was wrong with her.

I kept trying to calm her down but nothing was working.

I started to sing my favorite song to her. Sure it was in Spanish but I don't think that matters considering she wouldn't have understood it if it were in English.

I kept singing to her until she fell asleep.

I held my face in my hands and began crying. I have no idea how I'm going to raise this baby alone.

Sure my mom helps out but she has a life of her own and she has work. And I have school.

How am I going to give this baby everything that she deserves when I myself can't give her all of my time.

🕗🕘🕙 Time skip 🕗🕘🕙

I heard the front door opening and I ran downstairs to see my mother walking inside, drunk out of her mind.

" What happened to you " I yelled.

" Cut me some slack Freddy! I've been taking care of your baby all day and I deserve to have a little fun too. Now if you'll excuse me, my favorite show is on " She pushed past me and into the living room.

She laid down on the sofa but fell asleep before she could even turn on the T.V.

" Sweet dreams mom " I kissed her forehead before going back upstairs to Rosie's room to check on her.

My mom wasn't wrong. She deserved to cut loose and have some time to herself too. She's been taking care of the baby all the time since we figured out I had a daughter.

She's always calling in sick to take care of my baby. My responsibility. I owe her my life.

I walked up to Rosie's crib and kissed her I the forehead as well. Then I just stood there and stared st the perfection that was laying there.

" And when your tears fall down your pillow like a river, I'll be there for you " I sang.

" When your screaming but they only hear you whisper I'll be loud for you " I began crying.

I don't know if I'll ever be good enough for her. I don't know if I can give her the love she deserves or if I can treat her right.

Im not cut out to be a teenage father. I can barely take care of myself and now I have to take care of a baby.

For months, it's been my mother who took care of Rosie but now it's my turn to be there for her.

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