Chapter 12

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The headache started to get worst. I couldn't even stand up straight, the next thing I knew, everything went pitch black. But, is this a dream or a memory?.. When I woke up, I was in a bed but there was another person beside me..He was hugging me as if I was a teddy bear. I checked the time and it was 11.27pm. We needed to check out in the morning so I didn't wake him up..yet. I hugged him back and there we were, two people, hugging each other as if we were a couple that needed to say goodbye. I then heard him mumbling something, he was having a poor puppy. "Princess I'm sorry," he mumbled. Somehow I felt as if it was directed to me. I stroked his hair..IT WAS SO SOFT! I think I got addicted to touching his hair.. I thought to myself.. I'm going to miss hugging him but, at least I get to see him every day of the school week and maybe we could even hangout during the weekends! I started thinking of all the things we could do together! Then I remembered the kiss that we shared!! "Should I ask him to be my Boyfriend?" I asked myself out loud..I think too loud. "Yes" Jungkook said while still half asleep.."I will be your Boyfriend if you let me," he simply said. I rolled my eyes at his pride and cockiness. He then kissed me on the cheek and said "I'll be honoured to have you as my princess." Everything clicked, I, Tzuyu am the Princess from Jungkook's past...

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