
17 1 1

August 9th 2017, my bank account down 200 dollars, my mind racing; I had a smile on my face. My boyfriend had just turned 17, I couldn't wait to give him all of his presents all $200 worth. We we were dating for nearly two years, I was so madly  in love with this boy it was ridiculous. I loaded up all of his gifts in my car, a huge bag of beatifuly wrapped presents and his ice cream cake in my other hand. I had stumbled into my car my hands completely full. I put his mountain of gifts in the back seat and the ice cream cake in the passenger seat, with the air conditioning on full blast in my attempts to keep the cake frozen. I was smiling the entire 15 minute drive from my house to his. He was going to love these gifts. The cake is going to taste so good, he has been craving a frozen cake for so long! I get to the house and park outfront. I knocked on the front door. No answer. I knocked again 5 minutes passed, i tried one last time. Nothing. This wasn't unusual he was probably just asleep still. I hauled the melting cake and his bag of birthday presents to the back, his neighbors looking confused and concerned watched me as I made my way around the house. I set the bag down on the grass and the now mushy cake on the A/C unit while I banged directly on his bedroom window. A second later I see the curtains pull back annoyed looking face I grew to love peer out the window. I held the ice cream cake up to the window as to say, "Hey it's 1:30 PM wake up so we can eat your birthday cake." He seemed to understand because the curtain dropped and his face disappeared. I grabbed the cake and the bag filled to the rim with gifts and struggled to run and meet him up front. I shoved the feeling of annoyance into the back of my head. He knew I was coming over, why couldn't he answer the door? Oh well, we were going to have a fun day!
"I'm never hungry when I wake up, you can put the cake in the freezer," he said motioning to the kitchen. Feeling slightly defeated I put the cake in the freezer with his help and walked to living room with gifts in hand.
"Open this one first!" I told him excitedly handing him the smallest present out of the massive bag. He looked happy and relaxed, that had me feeling much better. About ten minutes later the wrapping paper was all torn up around the house. He had his brand new xbox one controller, two hot topic brand graphic T shirts, a summer tank, ring, gages, and decorative school lanyard all laid out. He was admiring his bounty looking proud.
"Thanks babe I love it all!"
"Happy birthday darling, I love you more then you know," Little did I know that statement was more than true then I had ever believed it to be. The rest of the day was fun and full of laughter and happiness. We later went to his and his best friends combined birthday party and the annoyance from earlier was completely forgotten. My boyfriend spent the night at house while i went home happy, glad i was in love, even after 1 year and 360 days my heart still flutters when I was around him. With joy and excitement I started shopping for his anniversary present that night. Only five more days! I couldn't sleep, too much to do. My eyes grew droopy and weary and I knew my boyfriend was occupied with his friends right now. I might as well get some sleep while i can. Three fairly normal days passed; summer was coming to an end and I desperately needed to have one last fun day. I spent those three days at my best friends house and work. My boyfriend seemed distant, hanging out with me only one of those three days for only a few hours. I was too blind to see what was coming. I thought that maybe he was just bumped his birthday was over and school was about to start. The thought that he may be avoiding me on purpose never crossed my mind. Our senior year was growing closer as was our two year anniversary. Two days to go.
I texted him around 3PM
"Hey, what's up? Can I come over?" I texted him. No response.
5PM I texted again
"Hey, I had a pretty rough day can we see each other?" He responded that time.
"No i'm with George, i'm sorry babe," my feelings were hurt but I have spent two years trying not to be the crazy strict girlfriend I always hear guys complaining about. He is aloud to have friends. So what?
9:30 PM
"Do you mind if I rant about my day a little bit?" I asked over text.
9:35 PM
"Yeah sure," he responded. I texted him about my day and told him about how badly I needed a hug, he ignored this and asked me something I found strange
"Are you happy?" he asked me this so bluntly I knew exactly where this was going but I choose to try and ignore it for now. Maybe I was wrong? I replied saying,
"What do you mean? Today right now, no. But over all with my life and our relationship yes I am," The words I saw next made my heart drop. I was going to vomit. Tears had already started to leak out of my weary eyes.
"I'm not." That was all he had said to me. The last words of our seemingly perfect relationship.
"Are you breaking up with me?" I asked him
"I think so," he told me. How could you end a two year relationship and not even be sure?! I told him there was no way I was going to let him break up with me over text. I asked him if he was home from georges yet, I was going to make him do it in person. I was balling my eyes out, I couldn't breath causing me to cough and gag. He told me he was still at George's house.
"I'm coming to get you," It wasn't a question, he wasn't going to get off that easily.
"No you're not, you're not okay to drive you are too shaken up," he protested.
" And I don't care i'm coming to get you I'll be at George's house in ten minutes wait outside."
"I'm not even at George's house, i'm at Emily's. I didn't tell you earlier today I thought you would be mad." I couldn't breath. Did I read that right? I couldn't have had. Emily was my friend. What the heck was happening today? I walked downstairs to tell my mom where i was going, gripping the handrail. My mom saw my face and knew what was happening the instant she saw me. We embraced and I got in my car and drove to Emily's crying with rage. He was waiting for me outside. The next 30 minutes I sat outside my friend's house getting dumped by my "true love." It was over; there was nothing I could do. Blinded by my emotions I couldn't see right then that things were about to get so much better.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2017 ⏰

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