5:Wind (Part 2)

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Authors note: As mentioned. Trigger warning.

Tears hide in my heart
Memories are getting erased
Our unfinished fate
Is stopped here
Even if we live in longing tears
It's like the scattering wind
So I try to find it
But it's like an undiscoverable path
I can't hold on
To the distancing fate
So my heart is letting you go

When the sun sets
You will disappear
So I'm going to place you in my eyes
When darkness comes
I have to forget you
I need to let you go like this
It's like the scattering wind
So I try to find it
But it's like an undiscoverable path
I can't hold on
To the distancing fate
So my heart is letting you go
With your footsteps that leave me
The tears that I held in, spill out
It's like the falling flower petals
I mourn for you
Because we need to end it like this
When we meet again some day
Let's never say goodbye
My love

Just as Jung was about to slice open his wrist a hand went down and snatched the dagger from him. As Jung's dull eyes looked up, they landed on (y/n).The woman had wide eyes, holding the knife in awe. "J-Jung... Wh... What do you think your doing...? You... You can't...." She knelt down and wrapped her arms around him tightly, pulling the man into her embrace. (y/n) had been gradually healing, granted both Woohee and Baekah's death had affected her; they had not broken her more than she already had been.

(y/n)'s eyes scanned over Jung. "You.. you're soaking wet... Come on... You need to get out of this hanbok..." She stood the weak man up and put an arm around him. Jung stumbled as she led him over to her horse. She had brought fresh flowers, coming to visit Eun. "Get on the horse... I want to go lay these down..." (y/n) frowned and grabbed the bushel before going to the 4 stones. She got onto her knees in front of Eun's. "I... have been speaking with Lady Oh... She.. she told me to try and move on... My.. my heart will never fully be able to move on though.... She told me... She... She said to think of you as being a petal... Like a falling flower petal... A petal being blown away on the wind... The further the petal goes on the wind... The easier it will be to move on..." Tears were in her eyes but she was smiling softly. "I love you Eun...." She lay the flowers down and put her head down to give a soft prayer.

As the woman gave her prayers to Eun, Jung sat watching her. The feeling that he had always gotten was still there... His heart yearned for her... But he could never... He would never. Jung was mounted atop the womans horse, watching as she gave a prayer to each grave... Even Yo's... The woman had a heart of gold...

(y/n) stood up and walked back over to Jung and her horse. She frowned and took her top layer hanbok off. She put it over his shoulders and frowned. "We will be back to the palace soon..." The woman would be his saving grace now. He had helped her when Eun had first died, now it was her turn to help him.

Jung shut his eyes and let the wind whip at his face as the two traveled back to the palace. It was refreshing but stung. A wake up call. This was the start of a new part for him. A part that was lonelier. Less happy. But a part that had (y/n). Maybe.... Just maybe his life could get better someday...

Memories began to swarm through the young mans head as they passed parts of the palace... Memories from a past that felt so distant that it could have been years... He wished... He wished with all of his heart that life could be like this again....

 He wished with all of his heart that life could be like this again

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