Preface / Prologue / Chapter 1

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In the beginning there was God. God was alone in this Universe. So He, in all of His power, created Light and Heaven; then He created the Angels. They were His first and most powerful children. They loved and adored Him and He loved them. For thousands of years they lived together in His Kingdom in peace and perfect happiness. They lived to be with Him and were only happy when serving Him. His favorite Angel was Lucifer, The Morning Star; named so for how brightly he shined in God's eyes. Lucifer was perfect.

But God grew tired of the Angels. They were all the same; they all worshiped Him and never questioned Him. They were all perfectly beautiful and immortal. So one day God left Heaven, something that had never been done before. He created Earth, and all the creatures that swim, crawl, and fly.

Then God created Man and Purgatory. And gave man Free Will. And Free Will spread.

The Angels didn't know where their Father had gone, and they despaired. But, Lucifer resented God for leaving him. This resentment poisoned him, and he shared this resentment with some of his brothers and sisters. Then God returned satisfied with Earth, and all was peaceful in Heaven again.

God had created Man in the image of himself and named him Adam and named her Lilith. Adam and Lilith were man and woman, Husband and Wife. They were equal in everything, but this breeded a resentment between the pair, each wanting to be the head and neither willing to submit in life or in sex. They appealed to God, and the three communed together. But since the husband and wife were equal there was no compromise to be had. Lilith grew agitated and flew away from her husband and her creator.

God sent three angels after her and bid her to return. They were Senoy, Sansenoy, and Semangelof; and they bore the Word of the Lord. They found Lilith over the seas, but she refused to return with them. Because Lilith had chosen to allow evil into her being and forsake God, she was cursed. Her ill feelings turned her into a demonic being. She would never bare children and forever be alone. Lilith bore much sorrow, for what was a woman without children? She could not be a mother and could not be a woman, this was God's curse on her. So, she created the monsters of the earth from her flesh and blood, and they were like children to her, and she was their mother-who-was-not-a-mother, taking the form of a succubus.

Adam was grieved by the loss of his wife, for he had loved her completely and was lost without his other half. God saw this and knew that man should not be alone. From Adam, God created Eve to be his companion, and made their home the Garden of Eden. Because Adam came first he was the head and this resolved conflict so there was none between the pair.

Lucifer was jealous of Man. God's love for Man confused the Angels and this caused Lucifer's poison to spread. Free Will was never meant for the Angels but its creation had leaked into Heaven and allowed Angels a choice. Lucifer wanted to be God, and he and his followers tried to overthrow The One True Lord. So, God cast the betrayers out of Heaven. He sent them crashing down to Earth. This was called The Fall. It took thirty days and thirty nights for the Fallen to reach Earth, where only Lucifer could remember the Paradise that was now lost to them.

To prove Man's imperfection's to Heaven, Lucifer and his minions tempted Man to sin, Man was imperfect, and didn't always obey God. So Lucifer exploited this, targeting Eve who was weaker than Adam, and was also Adam's weakness. He took the form of a snake and convinced her to eat from the Tree of Knowledge that was forbidden to them. Eve then tempted Adam to eat, breaking their covenant with the Lord. They were cast out of the garden and they despaired.

Lucifer sought to tempt man one more time; he took the form of an angel and delivered a message to Adam. He told Adam to take Eve as his wife and to fornicate with her as a husband and wife should. This caused Adam much sorrow, for wasn't his wife Lilith? And to take Eve would therefore be adultery? But, having been cast out of the Garden had given Adam and Eve desires of hunger, thirst, and flesh. And how was Adam to multiply with his wife who was absent and no longer woman nor mother? God saw all of this and took pity; He spoke to Adam and said "Take Eve as your wife. Go forth and multiply." Eve bore Adam many children and they bore many children who in turn bore many more children; and man inhabited the earth.

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