Nikki eagerly bounded to her front door. She didn't need to look through the peephole to know that the knocks came from her boyfriend, Andy. She opened the door with a smile, having expected him. "Hi."
Standing in front of her, clad in his usual skinny jeans and band shirt, leaning against one of the pillars on her porch and looking at his phone, was someone she could hardly believe existed. He was devastatingly attractive, even when he tried to be goofy, and when he looked up past his hair and smiled at her, her heart leapt into her throat. "Hey, baby," he greeted, stepping forward to embrace her.
Their hug probably could've lasted the rest of her life and sustained her. His familiar smell came back to her-- cigarettes and cologne. She had missed it when he was on tour. She had missed him when he was on tour. While they weren't exactly serious when he left, he promised to come back and see her, and they texted every day. They'd only been dating for a month and a half before he went on tour, but still the moment filled both of them with joy and serenity. It was nice coming home to someone.
"Oh, come in," Nikki said, pulling away. She was so distracted by him that she forgot manners.
Before she could get more than a foot away Andy had her pulled back and was kissing her. Their lips molded together and caught flame. His hands on her hips held her close as she threw her arms around his neck. Their lips couldn't break for more than a second. They were hungry for each other.
Andy was the one to finally pull away, but he rested his forehead on hers. He leaned in to give her one more short kiss, only lasting two or three seconds, before he stated, "I missed you a lot."
She opened her eyes at him, and they smiled when their eyes met. "I missed you too, Mr. Rockstar," she said.
They stayed smiling at each other for a moment before Andy's eyebrows lowered. He looked into the house. "Something smells like it's burning," he told her.
It took a moment before her senses came back to her, but when they did her eyes widened. "Fuck!" she yelled, running into the house. She hurried into the kitchen where the chicken she had been cooking in a pan had started to burn and blacken at the edges. She had been so caught up in making sure the house was clean and that she looked presentable and then with Andy that she had forgotten about the dinner she was making. She let out another string of expletives as she pushed the pan to the backburner and turned off the flame. When she looked at her pot of pasta, they were past al dente and were sticking to the bottom.
Nikki was startled when she felt a hand on her lower back. "What's wrong?" he asked.
She sighed as she gestured at the mess in front of her. "I was making dinner because you haven't had, like, real food in forever and then I got so caught up making sure I looked decent and that the house was clean that I totally forgot about this. God, I feel so dumb."
To her surprise, he chuckled. "Nikki, that's very sweet of you. You don't need to worry about how you look; you're already sublime. And I'm sure the food is still edible."
Nikki bit back her smile at the compliment. "I don't think so. The edges are black and the noodles are way too soft."
Andy squinted at the upset woman beside him. He pulled the pan with the burnt chicken to him to examine it. She was right, it had turned a very unhealthy obsidian color. However, the inside couldn't be that awful. He grabbed a fork and knife from the drawer across from the stove and cut into it.
"Don't," she laughed. "It'll kill you."
"I doubt it. If you made it, it'll be delicious," he negated. The inside didn't look awful, just dry. He stuck it in his mouth and chewed, but immediately he regretted it. The flavor had been completely cooked out of the meat which only left the charcoal coating it. He tried not to show that, though, and forced himself to chew. "It's great, babe," he said, and swallowed.

One Shots
FanfictionCollection of one shots I've written in times of inspiration, all of which are about the one and only Andy Biersack.