What just happened

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All I can see is darkness. Then a voice said "Get your lazy butt out the bed and get ready for school." I woke up imeadtly after that. Next to me was Zen with blood on his chest.

The horror of lifeless eyes crept my back. I looked out the window to see a girl with long black hair and blue eyes. But other than that she looked identical to me. I  went straight to the phone to call 911.

A women with a cheery voice picked up and said "Hello 911, how can I help you?" "My friend is on the floor not moving or he has no palse." "I fell unconscious and found him like that, I saw a girl leaving my house I think she murdered him."  "Where is your location, we'll get help right now."

Magical time skip

The abulance came to my house taking Zen body.  For some reason no tears come to my eyes, like my body feels a little lighter. There was a weight holding me back that I didn't know I even had.

I felt like I should feel a little bad. I put my head down. One of the peramtdtics put their had on my back and said "I know honey it hurts to see a friend like this." This person doesn't understand I'm only doing this so I don't seem like a horrible person.

Then I called Inu and Ryo and told them about Zen. I could hear the crying from Inu and Ryo saying "I should of been there." Then I thought of Uncle. I called him.

"Hi uncle. Something terrible happened." "What happened, do you need me to come back?" Then I thought of how worried he'll be and try to come back. That killer might kill him to. I put on best goofy voice and said "Uncle you forgot to pay the bill." "That what you mean. I thought it was something serious. Call when something really happens." "Ok."

I went to sleep thinking of what just happened. I went to sleep and this dream I had was weird.

In the dream

Zen was in the hospital. He was opening his eyes He had a smirk on his face. "Ima you're going to pay for what you did to me." That name seemed so familiar. It's like that name have been apart of me. But I just couldn't put my finger on it.

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