Chapter 4

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“So basically, Pandora is a coven of evil monsters that want to kill me and both the demons I have encountered were sent by them?”


“I hate life” I roll off the couch.

“It’s not that bad” Julius pokes me with his foot,

“Eww feet” I slap his leg causing him to stop his actions and pull away.”

“Well, I’m going to bed” I get up and walk to my room. Why can’t a female join our group? I need some more friends. I push open the wooden door to my room, clicking it behind me. I change into my blue pyjamas with clouds on them and slide into bed. I close my eyes and let sleep take me away.

“Hello Ashura” I hear a voice sneer from the shadows. I know I’m dreaming yet I still feel threatened by this presence.

“Who are you?” I call back.

“My name is Keira” A lady steps from the shadows. She’s tall with long, flowing, ebony hair and light blue eyes that almost look blind. Her lips are painted red and I instantly feel out of my league. She looks dangerous and I know I’m far from it.

“What do you want?”

“You” She replies taking a step forward on the black marble floor, her shoes making tapping sounds. I shuffle back trying to get away but she grabs the back of my shirt, yanking me back. I gasp for oxygen as she cuts off my airway. Her dark painted nails dig into my throat. I scratch at her fingers in hope s of escape. Her lips twist into a sadistic grin. She enjoys my pain. She drops me to the ground like an old toy.

“Pitiful” She spits at me. I rub my throat. She kicks me in the gut and digs her stiletto heel into my stomach. I feel it pierce through my skin like a hot poker used for branding cattle.

She proceeds to twist to her heel in a sadistic manner. Her eyes glint as she hears my screams. After what seems like forever she stops. Silence envelopes the room. The tension in the room feels like a physical pressure.

“You’re lucky” She growls as she disappears into the shadows. I take a deep breath and grimace as pain shoots through my body. Somehow I don’t think these wounds will stay in the dream world.

I open my eyes to the real world and gasp as my wounds hurt much more here than in the dream lands. I roll out of bed and crawl over to the door before I collapse completely. The pain overtakes all my senses.

“Julius, Xerxes, Alucard” I call out weakly. I just lie on the ground paralysed. I feel a puddle of red drip through my clothes. I’m overcome by pain and my lungs feel constricted.

“Alucard!” I hear Julius scream, followed by the shuffling of feet. I feel a hand on my neck, he must be checking for my pulse.

“She’s alive but I can’t heal her.”

“What, why?”

“She got attacked by Nightmare, only a blood elf could save her.”

“But that would bind her soul to me.”

“You do it or your precious princess dies!”

“Fine.” I feel myself being propped up against a wall.

“Forgive me Ashura” I hear Julius’s voice. A string of Latin is spoken after and I feel a tug in my mind. Soon after I feel different, it’s an inexplicable feeling.

“Hey, she’s waking up” I hear Alucard yell.

“You’re noisy” I mumble. I open my eyes to see Julius sitting on a chair next to my bed.

“Slave, I want cake” I greet him.

“Well, you’re ok and I’m not making you cake” He pats my head and gives me a small smile. I see worry in his crimson eyes.

“What did you do?”

“What do you mean?” His face goes dark.

“You’re worried about something” I poke his face.

“Forgive me” With those words he makes his exit.

“What?” I ask in a questioning manner. I smile as I realise the over used word has made another appearance.

“He’ll tell you soon” Alucard speaks up.

“Why can’t you tell me?”

“Not my place dear.” I nod before rolling out of bed, blood stained pyjamas clinging to me. I push Alucard out of the room before proceeding to take a shower and change my clothes.

I make my way down the endless hallways in search of a certain blood elf. I knock on his door.

“Go away” Says a grumpy voice.

“No” I say kicking the door open breaking the lock, stupid elf always locking his room. He looks at me with a pained expression. I thought he would be angry, something is seriously off.

“Fess up” I stalk over to his bed and plop myself down on it.

“We’re soul linked” He says after a moment of silence.

“Very explanatory my dear” I reply sarcastically. He pulls out a knife and slits his wrist.

“Hey, what are you…?” I trail off as I feel a searing pain in my wrist. I look down to inspect my arm but find nothing out of the ordinary.

“What I feel you feel, What you feel I feel” He says between gritted teeth.

“Why’s that so bad?” I ask as I walk over and start tending to his bloody wrist.

“It’s a soul link” He blushes and I become suspisious.

“And?” I press the matter.

“Humans marry, Blood elves soul link” He chokes out and I freeze.


“It also heals Nightmare wounds” He tries to cover his tracks.

“Mum is gonna be so mad at not being able to arrange my wedding” I mutter and Julius cracks up laughing.

“What?” Oh, there it is again.

“I tell you we’re basically married and all you worry about is your Mum being mad?” He laughs.

“Hey, you haven’t met her, she can be scary” I hit his arm playfully.

“Sometimes I wonder how you take everything so well” He frowns.

“Even if I fight something it’s not going to change, so why waste the energy?” I sigh.

We sit in silence for a few minutes before I screw up my face.

“What’s wrong?” Julius questions.

“My father in law is a dog” I frown. Julius’s face breaks out in a grin.

“Shh, he’ll hear you” He jokes.

“I did and I am a Hellhound, thank you very much” Xerxes walks into the room with his arms crossed and a frown adorning his face.

“So… Uh, what now?” I ask breaking the awkward silence.

“Your next mission” Xerxes pulls out a folder and hands it to me. I scan over the pages.

“So we have a little troublemaker? Wait… This is my school” I moan.

“Sure is Princess and you’re taking Julius and I with you” Alucard paints a grin on his face. I sigh in defeat.

“This sucks” I moan.

“Come on, it’ll be fun, Princess” Alucard pats my head and I take a snap at his hand. He pulls away in shock.

“This should be interesting” Julius sighs.

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