Chapter 6 - Pack up & Move out

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The two had sat down by a near by tree and slept until sunrise. Literally.

The sun's faded gold had barely peeked over the horizon and Daison's eyelids flew open. His automatic move was to tighten his grip around Pepper's shoulders as if his conscious awareness brought immediate protection over her. He bent his head down to lightly kiss her forehead, gently awakening her. She gazed up at him and snuggled even more closely up to him. "We should be on the move. The sun is rising." He informed his lovable soulmate.

She immediately became alert as her body jerked up. "Don't you... Explode in the sun?" She questioned frantically, prepared to take off his warm coat from around her to sheild him somehow.

He smiled lovingly at her."No, my dearest love. Those are the stereotypes. Which do exist. My brother is one. They call them an... Illegal. But I'll tell you about that later." He answered, stretching up from the ground and out-stretching his arm for her assistance. "All the sun does to me is make human blood even more irresistible by defining it through the veins. Something about the heat. That's why we picked North Dakota in winter. Sometimes we have to... Move South for the summer." He flashed a heart stopping smile. "No pun intended."

When they arrived at the house, all the boys were shuffling back and forth outside, moving boxes into different cars. There was a yellow Hummer, a blue Mitsubishi Sportero, a silver VW Amarok, a white Nissan Skyline, a red Nissan Bluebird Sylphy and a silver BMW X coupe, a car Pepper had a feeling belonged to Daison.

Feeling confirmed. Daison took the keys from his pocket and pressed the little button to de-activate the alarm and unlock the doors. 

Eric, carrying a huge cardboard box, opened the BMX butterfly doors and dropped the box in the back seat. Noel handed his heavy box to Jasper and made his way to the love birds, confusion clear on his face. "I thought you were taking her home... For good. We have to go, Daison." He confronted, skipping the greeting.

"I can't do it, Noel." Daison whispered but more out of weakness than secrecy. "I found her. I just won't be the same anymore if she's not by my side." He finished, reaching for Pepper's, now trembling, hand. "You have to understand. She decided it with me. Please. Let her stay."

Noel gave a faint smile. "You'll lead this family one day, you'll have to make decisions like this. So maybe if it's a total mess of things, you can learn from my mistake. And if it's nothing but a blessing, you can learn to follow your heart and soul." He replied, sounding old and wise. "Welcome to the family, Pepper. Accept thee as thee accepts. Greetings and welcomes. Peace be near, now and forever." And as he said those seemingly pre-meditated words, all the boys dropped their luggage and gathered near her.

"Accept thee as thee accepts. Greetings and welcomes. Peace be near, now and forever." They all chanted together, bowing their heads.

Just as curiosity began to settle in, Daison leaned close to her ear and whispered, "it's the traditional greeting from vampyres to vampyres, especially as a welcome into their family." And he ended his brief explanation with a quick peck on her cheek, which immediately lit a warm, rosy camp fire on her face.

That was when Pepper noticed one person missing from the party.


"Depart young ones, there is much to do." Noel ordered. Everyone but those three, scattered to their boxes. "Welcome, sincerely and genuinely into our family, daughter. I accept thee as whatever form thee may take as thee accepts us in the form of darkness."

Noel gave a light bow and made his own little departure. Again, curiosity with a hint of confusion began to take over and, as if sensing her emotions, Daison explained. "Accept thee as thee accepts mean we'll accept you into our family no matter what you are; human, witch, vampyre because and so long as you accept us for what we are. Seemingly, monsters of the dark." He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and towed her inside, through the wet, melting snow.

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