three: red carnation, my heart aches for you

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Aphrodite huffs in frustration as she monitors the reflection of the pool, waving her hand over it and the scene disappears leaving ripples in its wake

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Aphrodite huffs in frustration as she monitors the reflection of the pool, waving her hand over it and the scene disappears leaving ripples in its wake. A few minutes ago, she received an Iris message from the Moirai, informing her that they were coming to her domain to discuss something grave, judging from their facial expressions.

"I do not understand mortals. They ask for love in their life, I give it to them and they completely disregard that and throw it away."

In a wisp of smoke, the Moirai appear in front of her with the same expressions as before, and perhaps, to Aphrodite's surprise, there was a hint of apprehensiveness and despondency present not only in their expressions but in their body language as well. With love came a mixture of other emotions, one being pain and this rolled off in powerful waves from the three women before her, overwhelming Aphrodite. She understood it for they had the responsibility of weaving two strings, ending them when the person's fate was to come.

Before Aphrodite could utter anything, Clotho makes an arc with her hands and blue wisps of smoke come out of her fingertips and ripples in the middle, forming a mirror that shows a girl who's determined demeanour is slipping. It displays a girl coughing violently into her hands where blossoms that represent hidden love appear that are faintly stained with fresh, crimson blood. Unknown to the girl in the reflection, a red string stretches out beneath her feet that is turning black at a swift pace and Aphrodite gasps in sorrow when she witnesses what is happening.

The scene ends abruptly and the wisps of smoke embrace the goddess gently as it disappears back into Clotho's fingertips. Atropos clicks her fingers and the string of the girl materialises, the thread reaching the floor and the four women look on in despair.

"I have worked with you to connect these two together, yet this is the outcome. However, the boy must learn his lesson. He needs to learn that love has always been there, waiting for him patiently but it also has its limits."

Aphrodite finishes, and to her own ears, she sounds disappointed. She could not dwell on it for too long. "I know we cannot stop fate but there are second chances. The boy will learn his lesson and the girl will die. I will send Flora down to help him."

The Moirai look at the goddess with perplexed expressions but Clotho quickly catches on to what Aphrodite is saying and widens her eyes. "You know the punishment for tampering with the fate of humans. When the girl dies, that's it. There are no second chances."

The other two of the Moirai women finally figured out the implied words and gasp in realisation. "Flora will be able to guide the boy. He will travel back to the very beginning with the girl, with his previous memories still intact. There is a catch to this if he fails to turn things around in 20 days. I promise you that the boy will learn his lesson."

Aphrodite insists, willing her voice to be soothing and calm with a hint of persuasiveness that she is admired and feared for. Love is so potent and powerful that it could persuade the strong-willed to do whatever they can to have that love. Aphrodite knew that the two people whose string was fate - destined, foretold, inevitable and she would be a fool to let this go to waste for this pairing was rare. In a way, fate and love connected together wherein fate bring two people together and love's job is to keep them together. The Moirai and Aphrodite are the complete personifications of the two and they were nothing short of serious when it comes to their job.

"How long does the girl have?"

In a flash, Atropos has the string in her hands and announces in a grave voice "the girl has two days left."

Their string was tangled, one glowing red while the other turning black. The goddess of love stares at the string with sorrow in her eyes but there was something else there. Love, determination, passion as she hopes for the happy ending of the two people she and the Moirai worked so hard to intertwine. In two days, the girl will die of the unrequited love that came in the form of beautiful petals that took her breath away. In two days, the boy will realise what he has lost and will mourn, pleading for another chance. In two days, Aphrodite and the Moirai will tamper and interfere with the lives of two human beings whose story has not yet ended.

"I will summon you and Flora to this place later. I trust you have nothing against what I have planned, right?" Aphrodite inquires, raising an eyebrow at the three women before her.

The Moirai exchange glances and the three bow as they answer in unison. "It is our honour and pleasure. But beware, goddess of love. We are causing a hindrance to fate, to ourselves, but we see your passion for this to succeed and we will help to the best of our abilities."

Aphrodite smiles and she waves her hand over the pool, the reflection showing the two people she wanted to guide to their path. The red strings have a chance, Jessica and Jisoo have a chance.


- An Iris message is a type of video message that is used by gods and demigods to communicate with others using a rainbow.

- Flora/Chloris is the goddess of flowers.

- The Moirai consists of three women: Clotho who spun the thread of life, Lakhesis who measured it, and Atropos who cut it short.

- The image inside the media box is not mine. Credit goes to the owner.

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