at21 love begins..

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  Hey what's up..I'm here again
To tell you what happen that night...

Look I'm just ,21 that time... July 1994///start ..a kind of feeling I can't explain hmm( is this love?)
I don't know how far  it was but almost everyday... Him and me
dating .
He never tell me  and ask the words " I love you or do you like me?"...never
Just only our eyes...
we've found love at first sight ©©© haha)) I guess.

July- August- Sept- Oct///
©©  our relationship as mutual understanding. .©©
keeps on going

We do dating almost every weekend.take note *no concern
No plan.. Only sweet nothings..

Roy and me . having a set up ..nobody knows how we get through))) kept secret .
only melody..  knew it

One day ...a month of November
He lost his job )) something change.. He never try to take time to talk to me either say hi or hello I don't know what happen ... And

I Miss him....
Yah.  I know I miss him so much
In my heart ..he's there  ( I can't resist my day . )

" where are you ? "
" why suddenly your gone..
did you do forget me or just play at me?". words going on my mind
I ask his friends but .no answer
I found©©©©

Almost a month I've cried. Hurt it hurts a lot.. How can I forget him. I've learned ready how to feel  ®®®
a love ..
I know " I love him"

3rd week ,after work got home and  sleep .. I'm in my dream . when I feel something touch my toe
I'm frightened and wake up
I open my eyes....

" how are you?.I miss you..Sorry "
®®®its him
He's voice .oh my®®®
Roy inside my room talking ???
He talk to my aunt. that he need to say hi and goodbye?

Again.. Goodbye! Hi?!

"But why?" you leaving where. . when?

" I'm going now for my new job stay in a far place. I decided to drop by and tell you.. I leave you my chain
( gave me his necklace)
as a promise of my love"

I'm speechless he coming back for me..I can't talk that time. no
words . I'm just looking at him

Then he hurry up ...kiss my forehead...®®® and go

X ma's.. new year he never came home...

So know the feeling ...
I can't sleep
Can't eat...
Can't do work  promptly... thinking of him


I always looking out the street maybe his waiting. .. there hahaha ( daydream)

I almost die.. I really miss him so much..".is this love?  I ask myself

I concentrate on my job... to forget him

Finally .. Im okay now I recover

February guy in my work courted me...

He send me home ..almost everyday
but for me .just friend
I told him..." Im not  yet ready for any relationship esp. forget me "

But he never do. He never stop ..
Until we became close ..
thing that happen maybe I miss-- Him---


Okay just for the night I'm sleepy  now. See you next time

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