"............. What year is now?" Sulli asked.
"Are you kidding me? What kind of question is that, Of coures it's 2015!" I replied.
"Krystal.............. I guess you really have an amnesia, today is 2017 and Amber is actually your boyfriend." She s...
I didn't get a proper sleep after what Sulli told me. I don't want to believe but she's telling the truth because I know when Sulli is lying.
Sulli said if I want to know anything or what, just asks Amber. But I dont want to talk to her! Arhg~!!!
It's been three days since i woke up. Amber said my parents will be here the day after tomorrow. About that lesbian/nerd/annoying/girlfriend, she just shut her mouth the whole day because i said so.
My head is aching whenever I thought about my relationship with her. Until now it's hard to believe the fact that she's my girlfriend. Crazy right? Back in high school and college, she's my classmate. I remember how I hate her so much, then why suddenly she become my fucking girlfriend?! This is frustrating!
I look at her, she is busy prepairing my lunch. She always do things for me even if Im not asking for it, and that's made her looked like my servant.
"Here" I just stared at the food she place infront of me.
"Im not hungry" I said then looked at the window.
"But the doctor said you need to eat at the right time" she said.
"I said Im not hungry" i said with a tone of annoyance.
"O-Okay, just tell me later if your hungry" she said.
. . . . .
'It's so boring~~~~!' I mentally said. I looked at my side, i saw a phone.
"Is this yours?" I asked her then took the phone and examined.
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"No, that's yours" she said.
"Really?!" I asked suprised.
My eyes winded when I opened the screen lock, picture of me hugging Amber. While Im smiling at the camera, Amber is kissing my forehead.
'The fuck?!'
I looked up, Amber is staring at me.
"I....I.......I...uhm... when this taken?!
"When we celabrate our first anniversary" she answered.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"Uh yes?"
'Oh! I thought it's edited' i whisper to myself.
I looked at the phone again and opened the gallery, i forrowed my eye brows.
"I thought you said this is my phone?" I asked confused.
"Ha?" She looked confused "Yes that yours, is there something wrong?" She asked.
"Yes! The gallery is full of your ugly faces. Looked" i showed her the phone but she just laughed me. "Yah! Don't laughed!" I said then smacked her head.
"Ouch!" she whinned whlie rubbing the back of her head "Your the one who took that!"
"Lier! And why would I do that?!" I asked. Im about to hit her again but next word she said stoped me.
"Because you love me" she said calm then stare at me, i looked away.
Im curious about what kind of relationship we have. Should I asks her?
"Can i ask you something?"
"Sure, anything" she said and smiled.
"How we become uh.... you know."
"Couple?" she asked, i nodded. "We paired in a group project and after that we became close to each other. We often hangout, eating together and that's how we start. Uhm.... were two years in a relationtionship........ until now. " she said.
"Hmm..... How long did you court me?" I asked "Im pretty sure it takes a year" I said confidently.
"I didn't court you" she answered.
"What?!....... I knew it! YES!" I wiggle in happiness.
"Why? " she asked looked confused.
"You didn't court me because you tricked me or... or....maybe you used some spell that's why this happened. You made me fall for you, Am i right?"
"What?! No! That's not what I mean!"
"La~ La~ La~ I can't here you~~ Sulli will know this and----------"
"Your the one who court me!" she shouted, i frozed.
'Did i heard right?'
"The fuck?! What are you saying? You nerd! Stop lying!" I shouted back, but she smirked.
"Then asked Sulli if you want" she said and she is start packing her stuff "I'll be for gone for a while, just call me if something happened" and then she left.
"Yah!!!! Stupid! Where do you think are you going?!" I tried to call her but she's already gone.
After that nerd left me, Sulli came. She said she will stay with me for a day because Amber is will be busy for her On job training.
I also found out that Im graduating student this year, i just need to finish one sem and ojt.
"Uhm....... Sulli" i called her.
"Hmmm?" She answered without looking at me, she's busy on her phone.
"Is that true that I am the one who court Amber? Or she just lying?" I asked hoping that's not true. She pause for a moment but suddenly she laughed out loud when she realized something.
"What's so funny?! Sulli!"
"Sorry, sorry..... I just remembered something" she said and wipe her tears. "Yeah that's true, you court her" and she start laughing again.
"Seriously?!" I asked disbelief.
"Yeah. You were head over heels to her that time. I remember how jealous your are when-------
"No! No! No! Please Sulli stop" i covered my ears.
'That ugly nerd! I hate you!'
"How is she?"
"She' fine Auntie, Uncle, Unnie. The doctor said she can do her everyday routine after she discharge. But also the doctor said, she have amnesia. Don't worry, she can still remember us but her memory in the past three years, she cant remember that" I hear Sulli answer that's why I opened my eyes.
"Mom? Dad? Unnie?" I asked and they looked at me.
"Krystal! Oh my god! Baby! How are you?" Mommy said and then she hugged me, follow by Unnie and Dad.
"Mom, i fine"
"Thank god" she answered.
"Is that true Soojung? You don't remember Amber?" Jessica Unie asked but I didn't give an answer.
"It's okay baby, sooner or later you will remember her. Just take your time" Mommy said.
"Where is Amber by the way?" Dad asked and they all looked at me.
"Why are you guys looking at me? I dont know where the hell she is" I said while raising my eyebrow.
'Tsk! That nerd! It's looked like she is close to my family'