I've gone without certain things in the life I've liven. Lost some, thrown some away, and even destroyed some. With or without warning, Some with hidden stop signs, some with gigantic caution signs. Only now have I realized this. There is a world outside of my own fabrication. Rifts often created by my own tidal pool. I've realized the black hole I've become. I've been letting my depression win. Letting my Anxiety control me, my insecurities running rampant in my head and projecting out of my mouth. I've quite literally become my own poison. I wake up and drink my nightmares from the night before. The anger and resentment of my past spill into my future. But I do have control of it. I just choose to let it. Because my mind has been warped to think i'm better this way. I'm not. At all. Don't let yourself go this far. Ever again. You are starting to see the caution signs and you know how to get out of it. So do it. Make the turn. The ever so complicated left turn.