Cat Ears Klance

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Oh my god. It's happening you guys. I'm finally writing a story that's not smut!! The story is heavily based off of a shamchat convo I had and I said I would write a fanfic for it andddd here I am,


Lance grumbled as he walked out of the control room. He just got scolded by Allura and Shiro for eating some weird alien food that he wasn't suppose to eat, which resulted in him sprouting fluffy brown cat ears and a fluffy brown cat tail. He was then released and was commanded to "go to his room", curtesy of Shiro, so that they could find a cure. 'If I wasn't suppose to eat it, why was it in the kitchen in the first place?!' he mentally screamed as he kept walking down the corridoor to go into his room but stopped when he saw Keith, who was suspiciously sneaking around, clutching a hood over his head.

Lance walked up behind Keith and tapped him on the shoulder "What are you doing?" Keith went rigid and clutched his hood tighter, getting caught off guard. Lance grinned to himself, proud to catch Keith off guard. "N-Nothing!" Keith stammered out, obviously lying, he didn't want lance to.. see him in this predicament he's in. Lance raised an eyebrow "You stuttered." his tail swish from side to side and his ears twitched.

"NO I DIDN'T!!" Keith shouted and still wont turn around to look at Lance, he doesn't need Lance's teasing comments right now. Lance huffed before sighing "Why wont you turn around? Is it because of my ears?The tail?" he crossed his arms, he was now glaring at the back of Keith's head. Keith slowly turned around, his hands still clutching his hoodie-which was really Lance's jacket that he found when he went into lance's room for..something, "Ears..? Tail..? you got them too?"

Lance tensed staring at Keith "You ate the food too?!" he mumbled as he tugged Keith's-well his own hoodie down only to stare at Keith's fluffy black cat ears "Holy shit.." he smirked at Keith, who looked down and blushed slightly while hiding his face behind his hands. "We have to tell Allura and Shiro about this.. they really shouldn't have-" "NO! I don't want either of them to know I have these-these.. things!" Keith stammered, his arms flailing around violently, while his ears floopped down.

Lance stared at Keith letting out a tiny "awh.." and nodded "OK, I'll tell them later..." Lance looked at Keith's ear and asked "Hey, have you touchedyour ears yet? They're like super soft and sensitive!" Keith tilted his head to the side, lance almost died from cuteness over load. "Um..No?" Keith reached up to touch his ears bit half way there he stopped "Um.. Nevermind, I don't.. wanna know how sensitive they are-" Lance rolled his eyes and touched keith's ears "Holy shit, you're ears are so-!!" "L-Lance.." Keith moans a little and leans into Lance's touch.

Lance's smirk faltered as he froze his movements whispered "oh.. That didn't happen when i did it to myself.. May-maybe it's different when someone else touches it?" Keith whimpered as Lance pulled his hand away but blushes a bright red and hides his face behind his hands. Lance blushes a light pink and tilts his head towards Keith "You can pet mine if you want.." Keith peeked through his fingers but doesn't speak, way to embarrassed. Lance grabs keith's hand but Keith resists "Keith.. just touch them.. To prove..uh a theory" "No.. I'd rather not.. um It might've been just me.. y'know my ears might be.. ultra sensi..tive" Keith mumbles, still blushing.

Lance rolls his eyes and forcefully pulls Keith's hand to his ears "Just pet them" keith hesitantly pets Lance's ears "They're so fluffy and.. soft" Lance whimpers and leans into Keith's hand "I-I told you they were.." Keith blushed even more and continued to pet them "Theory pr-proven.. Y-you can stop now.." Keith retracts his hand and fidgets slightly "Uh.. Sorry for taking your jacket by the way" Lance shrugs "Don't worry about it."

Lance and Keith stood there for who knows how long, not saying anything to each other. That is until Lance awkwardly pretended to trip, not very convincing, and placed a kiss on Keith's nose then awkwardly smiled "Whoops.. I tripped" Keith's tail and ears shot up, fast, "Why did you..?" Lance raised a brow and puts his hands on his hips "You really don't know?" Keith shook his head, his ears flopping down as if he was ashamed for not knowing-which he was. Lance snickered, his tail calmingly swaying from side to side "I like you Keith, as in like-like you. How have you not noticed? I was super obvious 'bout it." Keith pursed his lip, mumbling "..I'm sorry? I thought you hated me?" Lance smiled "Nah, It was all a facade." Keith smiled back, his eyes closed and his head tilted, "W-well.. I like you too.. as in like-like you..too"

Lance leaned forward and pecked Keith on the nose and then kissing Keith's fluffy black ears "Wanna go cuddle? I want a cat nap~" he smirked, proud of his joke. Keith rolled his eyes but nodded "Your room?" Lance nodded and grabbed Keith's arm to lead him to his room. Keith purred happily as he followed after, his ears bouncing with each step and his tail swishing from side to side.

When they get there, Lance quickly opens the door and practically runs to his bed "C'mon Keithy~" he purred as he laid down on the bed. Keith walked over to the bed, pulling off Lance's jacket, and laid down, cuddling up to Lance purring contently "Love you" Keith muffled voice said, his face against Lance chest. Lance raised a brow but nuzzles his face into Keith's  hair, the ears' fur tickling him a bit, "Love you more!" Keith hums and snuggled up to lance even more, f it was even posible, "Sure you do." he sighed contently and relaxed.

Lance gasped and pulls away, making Keith whine a little, "Are you doubting me?" Lance pouts as Keith pretends to think "Hmm, Maybe~" Keith tried to hide a smile but failed. Lance whined "You're teasing me!" Lance leans in and kisses Keith's cheek, to which Keith smiles at, but then licks him "Gotcha~" Keith pouts and licks Lance lips. Lance blushed and touched his lip, while wiping away Keith's saliva "Wha-Keith!" Keith tilts his head and give him an innocent look "What?" Lance huffs and crawls over to Keith, he's now sitting on keith lap "I win." keith tilts his head confused but flips them over so that he was now sitting on lance's lap, then he kisses lance full on the lips "No, I win." Lance squeaked, stuttering out a "F-FINE! Y-you win.."

Keith hums and lays his head down onto lance's chest, hearing lance's calming heart beat. Lance blushed and wrapped his arms around Keith's figure holding him gently in his arms. Keith looked up at Lance "Does this make us boyfriends?" Lance nodded "Yeah, i-if you want to be..." Keith yawned "Ok.. I'm gonna go nap now, boyfriend.." Lance nodded and hummed "M-me too, boyfriend.." Lance's eyes slowly closed. Keith smiled, his eyes closing as well "Love you..nae salang..*" Lance mumbled half asleep "También te amo, cariño...**"

A few hours after the two went to sleep, Allura and Shiro walked into the room. Upon seeing Lance and keith snuggled up to each other, they sighed after seeing that Keith also has the ears and tail. "We should leave them be, Allura.. They seem-" Allura cut Shiro off "They seem to be okay for now. Although, I believe the ears and tail.. is a problem." Shiro smiled "Hm, We can give them the cure when they wake up." Allura nodded and closed the door, heading to the training room with shiro, leaving the two to peacefully sleep together.

Hey, here's the translation if you didn't know what the spanish and korean meant, and if it's wrong please tell me. I used Google translate for it.

*nae salang = my love

**También te amo, cariño = I love you too, honey

Yeahhh, I wrote a fluff guys! Aren't you proud (*^*) Anyway, thanks for reading! Have a day!

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