Chapter 44- And so it goes

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Some idiot sadist thought it was a great idea to buy a countdown clock for the office; now, everytime Hao Mei looked up from his desk he could see the bright red numbers slowly ticking down as time ran out. When the clock first appeared (he didn't see who hung it up otherwise he'd have whacked them over the head with it by now), there were 18 days and 22 hours left until the demo. After what felt like only an hour or two, there were only 17 days and 24 hours left.

It was too close to call which would send him insane first- the work or the clock.

Not that his friends were faring any better. If they were, they wouldn't be joining him in the foyer as they all struggled for inspiration. Posing as famous thinkers in order to channel their mindset had been Yu Ban Shan's idea.

"Didn't we say it had to be the thinker?" Qui Yong Hou, with his fist against his forehead, looked sideways at Ban Shan and Mei. "Look at the pose you came up with. How can I be inspired?"

"There is a reason that we two gods are placed outside our school library." In place of an ancient scroll, Ban Shan held a tablet. "Just you wait and see. I'm sure that I can connect through to Aristotle's spirit right away. Then his wisdom will pass on to me through these hands. What's the big deal in programming inspirations? I can even understand the meaning of human existence."

Mei snorted. Someone hadn't been paying too much attention during their philosophy class. It occurred to him that he hadn't exactly been a model student for that class either but still... surely he'd retained more information than Ban Shan? He coughed.

"How did you get so confident on front of your mentor? I have always taught you not to be too arrogant and narcissistic. You'll make mistakes if your narcissistic. You'll fail when you get too arrogant."

"Mr P. No, Mr Plato. Don't you know that the student often exceeds the teacher? I'm not as lucky as you are. You get to chill and relax."

"The student exceeds the teacher? According to what I know, Young Aristotle, you even got the theory of gravity wrong. So you'd better leave this difficult issue of programming to me." Mei shuffled towards Ban Shan, maintaining his statue pose in the process. "You, go and make me some noddles."

"I won't!" Aristotle pushed at Plato's chest.

"How dare you hit your mentor!" Plato glared at the blatant disrespect. "Watch your attitude."

The bickering pair were interrupted by Le Penseur, who suddenly straightened from his thinking pose.

"The both of you can keep on fighting. I've got some ideas."

Plato froze. "He has some ideas."

"Damn," said Aristotle.

"Why don't we switch to a new position?" suggested Plato.



The pair switched positions and Plato handed Aristotle the tablet to complete his pose. "Heh. Guess switching things up a bit is fairly novel."

"What are you on about now?

"What? You can't tell me that someone like KO will let someone like you top him. Even to add a bit of spice to a relationship."

"Shit. What would you know?" Aristotle's ears turned red. "I'm not talking to you about this. Think on your own." With his head down and cheeks filled with heat, he headed back to his desk.

"My tablet!!!!" Plato's wail echoed through the office. The delivery man, who had just reached the top of the stairs, gulped and wished that for once, someone else could have been free to make the delivery.

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