Why dont we

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*after ashley drinking water she goes upstairs in there room and she fall asleep
7 hours later everyone woke up expect ashley and jack
Jonah: she's still sleeping
Glenda: jack too let's have breakfast guys
Everyone: ok
*they all went to the kitchen and cook some food
30 minutes later ashley and jack woke up
Ashley: Morning guys
Jack: good morning
Everyone:good morning
Jonah:come on ashley sit down and eat
Ashley: ok
*they all eat and get ready to go swimming
Ashley: you guys ready
All: yes
Ashley: jonah is the water hot or cold
Jonah: cold
*jonah go to ashley and bought her to the water
Ashley: JONAH!!! It's so cold why did you do that for!!
Jonah: for fun ahahhah
Ashley: I HATE YOU!!
Jonah: wait im sorry....
Ashley: don't talk to me you think that was funny!!! Well it's not!!
Jonah: look im sorry....
*then ashley leave and go home and change
Jonah: ashley where are you!?!
Ashley: what do you want!?
Jonah:im sorry
Ashley: im breaking up with you!!
Jonah: what!?!?
Ashley: i want to tell you this
Jonah: what is it💔
Ashley: that it's a prank!! Hahahaha
Jonah: WAIT WHAT!!
Ashley: sorry and that's why don't mess with me! Hahahaha
Jonah: im so sorry
Ashley: it's okay

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