Chapter 1

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It all happened with one mistake. She now has to fix it to get back the where she belongs. But who is this one girl that ruined everything. Why it was Ginny Weasley.

Now let's go back to the beginning before it all happened. Ginny was at Hogwarts with her best friend Hermione and all her fellow students. It was Ginny's fifth year that Hogwarts. They were in the Great Hall eating breakfast. Ginny was listening to Hermione and Ron argues again. Then all you heard was a thud. Ginny looked and saw Hermione hit Ron with a book.

"Ow! That Bloody hurt Hermione." Ron said rubbing his arm.

"Well you deserved it Ron." Hermione said.

Ginny just sat there laughing with Harry. They thought it was funny when Hermione hits Ron. Ginny know that Ron loves Hermione and she also know that Hermione loves Ron, but they would never tell each other that. Ginny just shook her head and said,

"Hermione, we have to go. We will be late to talk to Professor McGonagall."

"Oh right. Thanks Ginny." Hermione said grabbing her things.

"What do you have to talk to McGonagall for?" Ron asked.

"None of your business." Hermione screamed it as Ginny and her walked out of the Great Hall.

They walked to McGonagall office. Hermione knocked on her door. There was no one in there. Ginny looked at Hermione. Hermione just shrugged. They went their different ways, before they did that Ginny saw that Hermione dropped something. Ginny picked it up. She thought it looked cool so she kept it around her neck.

Ginny started to play with it. She did not know that it was a time turner. As Ginny was playing with it the chain broke and the time turner broke as well. Ginny grabbed the pieces and thought that Hermione was going to kill her. But then she saw that everything was going back in time. Ginny tried to scream but it did not work. No one could hear her. She was her life go backward. Ginny was getting scared by now. It finally stopped and Ginny looked around and saw someone coming here was. Ginny looked at them and ran up to them.

"Harry, thank god that I found you." Ginny said getting closer to the group of boys.

"What? My name is not Harry. I am James. James Potter." James said.

"Oh sorry you remind me of someone that I know." Ginny said.

"Who are you? I don't remember you and trust me. I know everyone in this school." James said.

"I'm.... I'm Ginny Granger." Ginny said. She knew that if she was right that she was not in her time period.

"Cool. What house are you in?" A black haired kid said right next to James.

"Ummmm. Gryffindor. I just transferred used to be home schooled." Ginny said.

"That's cool. So let me introduce my friends to you. This is Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew." James said.

Ginny was shock to see the young version of them all. She looked at Peter and she just wanted to kill him then. But she knew she could not.

She had to go find the one person that she trusted. That was Dumbledore. Ginny looked at the guys. She then saw that James saw staring at someone. Ginny turned around and saw a redhead girl. Right then she knew that was Harry's mother. But she did not know who the boy by her was.

"Who is that?" Ginny asked Remus.

"That is Lily Evans. James has fancied her since first year. The boy by her is Severus Snape." Remus said.

"Or were me and Padfoot like to call him Snivellus!" Sirius screamed it.

"Oh, wow. Are they dating?" Ginny asked.

"No, but he wished. There is so many guys that likes Lily but she does not fancies any of them. She as Severus has been friends but he is a Slytherin and she is a Gryffindor." Remus said.

"Oh. I have a question. Where can I find Professor Dumbledore?" Ginny said.

"We can take you to him." James said. "But first I have to do something."

"She is only going to say no." Remus said.

"What do you mean?" Ginny asked.

"James tries to ask out Evans always and the answer always is a no." Remus said.

They watched James walk to where Lily and Severus were sitting. Severus groaned in sadness to see the James was coming their way.

"Hey Evans. So do you want to know why you were named Lily?" James asked.

"Why Potter?" Lily asked not amused.

"This is only because you are more beautiful than a lily flower. So will you go out with me?" James said with a smirk.

"Never in a million years." Lily said then smacking him.

Remus, Sirius, and Peter could not believe that. They could not believe that Lily Evans just smacked James Potter. James walked back to his mates with a shock face.

No one said a word as they went to Professor Dumbledore's office. James was still replaying the incident in his head. They got to the office. Ginny thanked them and went in. She looked around the office.

"Professor Dumbledore?" Ginny said.

"Yes, how may I help you?" He asked.

"You don't know me yet but my name is Ginny Weasley and I am from the future." Ginny said.

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