Chapter 3

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Ginny looked at the fire. It looked so beautiful in the dark room. Ginny looked over at James and Sirius. They were goofing around and playing with the snitch. Then she looked at Remus who was staring at her. Ginny keep eye contact for a while and then looked away very quickly. She could see that Peter was nowhere to be found. Ginny sighed and said,

"So how did you get the snitch?"

"Oh this one. It is an old one and Dumbledore gave it to me because he is an amazing teacher." James said.

"Oh. That is cool. So what do you guys do for fun?" Ginny asked.

"Pads and I do pranks or we all just hang out by the lake." James said.

Ginny started to get tired and she yawned. She did not know where to go to sleep because she does not have a room in this time. Ginny then saw the portrait swing open. It was Professor Dumbledore and Lily. They were talking and Dumbledore had something in his hands. He walked over to Remus and slides it to him like there was nothing there. Ginny know what that was for. The full moon was coming and since Remus is a werewolf he need to take a special potion to help him during the trans. Ginny just ignored the others as they talked.

"I think that you need a room Miss Granger." Dumbledore said.

"She can stay in our room Professor." James offered.

"I don't think so. You know the rules Mr. Potter. I think that Miss Evans has a bed open." Dumbledore said looking at Lily.

"Yes we do. I would love to show here where our room is. Come on Ginny!" Lily said.

We left the boys in the common room; they were making up a plan that was top secret they said. Lily did not even seem like her care about what they were talking about. She just went to the bedroom. The room looked like it did every year four beds and four trunks at the end of the beds. She just saw that it was cleaner than her room at Hogwarts. Ginny saw that the other two girls were up and awake.

"Ginny this is Alice and Crystal. Liz, Alice his is Ginny. She is going to be our new roommate." Lily said.

Ginny looked at Crystal, she was a beautiful girl and had long blonde hair going down her back. Then she looked at Alice and she noticed that it was Neville's mother. She was looking at Alice Longbottom. She could not believe it. Ginny saw that Neville has his mother's smile and hair color. She was a pretty girl as well.

"Hi Ginny, it is good that we finally got another roommate." Liz said.

"Yeah, it is way too quiet without four girls being in one room." Alice said.

Lily through a pillow at Alice. Ginny know that she was going to like being in this room with these girls. They were fun and cool to hang out with. Ginny went to her trunk and pulled out a t-shirt and a pair of pj pants. She came out and saw that the girls were gone but Lily. Ginny looked at Lily. Then Lily pointed to the door, meaning that they left. Ginny grabbed Lily's arm and dragged her down the stairs. Lily held on to her book very tight. She did not want to drop it as Ginny dragged her. Alice heard noise coming from the stairs and the others saw James face go into a giant grin. They all know who was coming down the stairs now.

Liz just shook her head and ignored James. She thought he was hot but knew that Lily was perfect for him. Most of the school and almost all the Gryffindor's believe that also. Ginny sat down on the couch with Lily. Lily did not want to be there at all. She wanted to back upstairs. There was a taping on the window. Then an owl flew in, the letter landed on Lily's lap. She looked at it and smiled. She grabbed a quill out of her bag and wrote a response to the note. Lily looked over to the table in the corner. James and others looked also. There was John Ludic sitting there reading a note. He got up and was coming their way.

"Don't look but John is coming over." Liz said.

"Just calm down. He is just a guy." Lily said.

"He is not just a guy. He is the hottest guy I have ever met." Liz said.

Lily just shook her head and looked at John. She smiled at him as he came over. Lily looked at John and John said,

"Hey Lily. So you got my note?"

"Yeah and it was thought full." Lily said smiling.

"Yeah, I thought it would be." John said.

"Could you recite what you said in the poem?" Lily asked.

"Of course. Anything for you, Lily. It was that you are amazing and that I care for you a lot." John started to say.

"No, it did not say that. You did not write that note." Lily said.

James sat there smiling and tried not to laugh. He thought it was great and funny how nothing could get past Lily. Lily looked at James and smiled at him. Everyone else looked at him. They did not understand what was going on. Ginny know what was going on because he helped with the plan.

Everyone wanted to know who has written the note to Lily because she has gotten more from the person now. It was the middle of the school year. Lily has got to know Ginny a lot more since she came. Ginny was having a great time with them but she missed her friends in the future so dearly. Ginny keep going to see Professor Dumbledore once a week to see if he had got any ideas to get her back to the future.

Lily was getting a feeling about Ginny she know that Ginny was hiding something. Lily just did not know what. She loved Ginny like a sister and wanted to help her and take care of her. But she did not know how. All she knew is that Ginny know a lot about everyone and everything at Hogwarts that no one told her. She was also really smart in most of her classes. It was as if that she already did all the things they are learning now. Lily had decided to talk to Ginny about it.

"Hey Ginny!" Lily said as she walked toward Ginny.

"Hey Lils. What's up?" Ginny said.

"We need to talk. I have been thinking a lot about something that involves you. But I don't know how to say it." Lily was stuttering.

"What do you mean? I am not hiding anything from you. You are my best friend and I would tell you anything." Ginny said, she was getting scared and was not sure if Lily had figured it out.

"Is there something that you are not telling me?" Lily asked.

"Ummmm..... Well, here is the thing." Ginny was about to say.

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