Intro:Prologue Of Loneliness

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*You wake up dazed and confused. You look towards the corner of your room in the dark and see a tall dark shadow which looks like to have some sort of black top hat on. You try to scream but you realize your frozen in sheer shock and fear. From the skinny shadow the only other thing you can make out is the two glowing eyes. Two eyes glowing bright green with barely a dot of pupils in them pointed at you. He clears his throat and begins to speak very softly just above a whisper as to not even wake the dead. But you still can't make out his... or it's mouth. In pure fear you sit up in bed and listen.*


Loneliness is a word and statement people think about but barely talk about in fear. In all honesty loneliness is something most people can't even begin to fathom or comprehend. What's the scariest part of loneliness? It doesn't always mean being alone. There are people all over the world who are in crowded rooms but making silent unheard screams in their voiceless mind of being and feeling lonely.

True though this story I'm about to tell you is both about physical and mental loneliness. So grab a seat if you feel interested and listen to me reminiscing about my life, my losses and my regrets.

I've heard of, or seen very few people who have experienced loneliness as I have... Oh my, how rude of me I forgot to introduce myself! I'm so sorry where has my manners gone? I guess I have lost habit of using my manners from not having anyone to talk to for so long.

*It's stare drops to the floor for a second before looking back at you wide eyed and it introduced itself excitedly*

YOU CAN CALL ME GRIM! No-no that's obviously not my real name. Now I can't risk giving you such private information on our first meeting so quickly right? What would be the fun in that?

*You can't see it but something in you makes you certain it was grinning at you widely when saying that. That sudden realization made a chill run down your spine.*

*You notice it's pupil turn towards the ground and stare at the floor as it continued talking after a short pause*

You see people have a certain phrase they love mentioning. What was it?

*You hear whatever this thing is, click it's tongue in irritation of being forgetful*


*You slightly jump hearing a loud bang and it's yelling realizing it had hit the wall behind it in irritation. It faint pupils instantly dart to up to you sensing your movement. His voice falls back to just above a whisper*

Your no help at all....

Anyways I remember, misery loves company. That's it. That is the saying. Misery loves my company yes, but people fail to realise loneliness loves company as well. It attracts company...... But a very rare kind of company.

Well this is my story of how I have known utter loneliness. Then how my loneliness was found by another which was lonely, and how it changed my past and bought us to this present time and my present state.

Fore I know your obviously curious is to why I'm here. Aren't you? I know you are, anyways then listen.

*You don't fail to notice it call whatever else in the term "which was lonely" and not whom. Thinking whatever this was referred to something else as and 'it' makes your blood run cold in fear. But you have no choice but to listen in silence.*

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