Chapter 1 - Nervousness

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Third Person:

'It's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay' To say Shinsou was nervous would be an understatement. It was understandable since he is going to try to make a friend. An important one. His first ever friend. And that person was the personification of 'A ball of sunshine' as he was so kind hearted and naive. In a good way of course. And that person was none other than Midoriya Izuku also know as Deku among his friends. 

During the sports festival Shinsou went head-to-head with him. He was the most reckless and trusting person he'd ever met. He witnessed the match of Izuku and Todoroki Shoto after he'd lost. There Izuku helped the other without a second thought and in the result lost but still smiled. After that incident Shinsou seriously wanted to be freinds with him. Maybe even more than friends but we'll get to the later.

Today Shinsou was going to execute his plan and hopefully Succeed. He was pacing around in his class room while the class began arriving and waiting for their homeroom teacher to arrive. A guy and a few other classmates came up to him but he paid them no mind. Finally when one of them spoke up he stopped pacing around and turned to look at them.

"What?" Shinsou asked. "U-umm you okay Shinsou? You've kinda been pacing around for quite a while now and you even got to school early. You also looked like something was troubling you soooooo....... We were wondering if something's wrong or if someone ticked you of." The guy said trembling as the others behind him were nodding. By now the entire class was listening in, including the teacher who had arrived at the start of the conversation. Unknowing that the top hero All Might was also listing in through the hallway as he found the discussion quite interesting. Though he was supposed to in Class 1-A right now handling homeroom period.(very immature if you ask me)

"Oh I was just thinking 'bout something sorry if I worried you" Shinsou said monotonously. "Thinking 'bout Midoriya right? How cute." Said Monoma appearing out nowhere all of a sudden. Totally fine. Yep. Shinsou visibly stiffened, a bright red blush sporting his face as he looked away, avoiding eye contact. Monoma smirked at this and began invading Shinsou's personal space like he always does. Basically just Monoma being Monoma. He continued to taunt Shinsou until he burst. "Okay fine I admit it I want to be friends with Midoriya!" Shinsou yelled now noticing the amount of people who witnessed him saying that and surprisingly Kendou was one of them. Shinsou's face was the brightest and darkest shade of red humanity had ever seen.

Monoma was about to reply with a snarky comment but the person of discussion interrupted him. It was Midoriya himself. 

Hey! Author here! Sorry if there's like REALLY slow updates. You see I'm in the middle of my exams and like my mom goes crazy when I don't study or get bad grades soooooo........yeah..........I'm pretty much doomed. Anywho! Thanks for reading till here! Buh-Bye!~

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