My thoughts are a blank space, hiden within the darkness of the night
I know that I should not fear them, yet I do.
Sometimes my mind is a canvas, blank and empty, always distracted.
Concentrating comes hard for me, in school, I know I am alone.
The few people I talk to deffinetly don't consider me a friend.
I am a quiet loner, longing for a friend.
I speak and yet I am ignored.
I could scream and yell, no one would be there.
I dream of the day where I can leave this world behind, into the darkness
Thats where I long to be.
The only way I know I will get there faster, is ending it all today.
But, yet I feel someone would miss me or it would be highly inconvient,
I do not wish to inconvience someone so, I stay around for another day.
All in the pain of the world, punishing myself to make it alright.
Something I had on my mind.
PoetrySome of my rather depressing feelings I just wanted to let out instead of doing something else......