So today is the day I am going with the Dolan Twins to the surprise place that they have planned for me. I am actually excited because last night Gray text me saying to put on my swimming costume on and bring my beach towel. I'm going to pack my sun lotion as well because i think we might be going to the beach. I heard my phone ping. It was Ethan @Ethan: hey maya come to the warehouse at 11:30am see you later xx @Maya: okay will do see you later xx I Grabbed a towel and got a shower. After my shower i put my hair in a messy bun and put on my bikini on Below🔽🔽
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And a strapless jumpsuit Below 🔽🔽
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I got my beach bag with my towel, phone, sun lotion and purse in and left my hotel room. It was now 11:25am and it takes ten minutes to get to the warehouse. I will be a bit late uh oh. But i guess its better to be late than never. I finally arrived at the warehouse and i was only five minutes late. I knocked on the door and it immediately opened. It was Grayson. " good morning maya how are you today!" Grayson said happily. "Im fine thanks how are you" i asked "Amazing" Grayson replied Then Ethan came and welcomed me in. " so the plans for today are" Ethan exclaimed " we are going to the beach first then we will take you to our favorite cafè for lunch and then we will take you to our favorite place in LA." Gray explained " ooh where's that" i asked "It's a surprise we are taking you there at sunset it's amazing." Ethan replied Today is going to be amazing.