(RusAme) A new start

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It was the start of the school year and I had just gotten here and unpacked my stuff to my dorm room. I was in an universal school where I only knew one person so far.

My name is Ivan and the only person I knew so far here was a boy from Finland called Tino. He has been here already for a year and he was my roommate. He had been kind enough to show me where every was.

Tino had told me how I should try finding other friends then him also, because we didn't have a matching schedule and most of our classes were different. We only really had Homeroom and lunch together and even those he was spending with his 4-5 closest friends.

There was a tall guy from Sweden, a quiet guy from Norway, a really happy guy from Denmark, a young boy from Iceland and sometimes a guy from Estonia would try to find a place in the group and sometimes he would spend time with them, mostly because he was Tino's good friend.

I would have tried to join but they didn't seem like the kind of group that would take just anyone in and they all had a lot of classes together anyway.

I was walking to the Lunch after a few boring classes when I stumbled to this shorter, loud person with really pretty blue eyes.

"Ah, Dude! Watch a little where you're going!" He said and looked up. "Oh, hey, you're the new kid, right?" He asked. I nodded smiling.

"Cool. Do you have a group yet?" He asked me. I shook my head. I did have a friend, but not a friend group. I mean I could be with my sister's, but they didn't move here yet, they'll be moving here in 4 months or so.

"Then follow me and I'll introduce you to a few cool people!" He said walking away looking back every now and then to see that I was indeed following him like he wanted me to.

He led me to a group of four. There was a man with a long blond hair teasing a slightly shorter man with a British accent. Then there was a quiet looking kid who saw us first and then there was a really short person who was telling the two bickering to stop.

"Hey dudes, the new kid is here!" The person in front of me yelled and I just realized I didn't even know his name yet. They all turned to look at me. "Who's this, aru?" The short person said. "Oh, he's...!" He turned to me. "Wait, what even is your name? I forgot to ask." He said.

"Good job Alfred, you bring the new kid here and forget the first thing you ask when you meet a new person." The British guy said. 'Alfred' just put his tongue out at him and then turned to me again. "So what is it?" He asked.

"Ivan" I answered. He now turned to the others "Ok, so this is Ivan!" He said loudly mispronouncing my name, but I knew it would happen anyway so I'll just let it slide. Tino actually says it right, but he told me that's because that's the way you would pronounce 'Ivan' in his country so it came naturally to him.

"Ivan, this is Arthur" he said pointing at the British guy, "that's Francis" he said pointing at the long haired blond next to Arthur, "that's Yao" he said pointing at the short guy "And my name is Alfred!" He ended. I wondered why he left the quiet looking guy out do I asked him. "What about him?" I asked pointing at the kid. "Who? Oh! That's my bro Matthew!" He answered.

"Ivan, don't you have lunch with you?" Alfred asked after everyone had taken out their lunches except for me. I had completely forgotten that it was lunch time and I hadn't packed anything with me today. "Uh, no. I forgot." I admitted. "Just ask Alfred, he always has too much with him anyways" Arthur said while taking a sip from his iced tea.

"Hey! Its perfectly normal amount of food for me!" Alfred said back. "Yeah, like anyone else then you could eat 5 hamburgers in a row and say that it's normal." Arthur said rolling his eyes.

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