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"Morgan!" My mother shakes me and i moan. "Whaaaat?" She looks at me. "Morgan it's your birthday!" I jump up from my bed and look at the calender on my wall. October 31st. My mother smiles gently at how excited i am and i run downstairs. I run to my front door and open it to see my friend standing there. She hugs me tightly. "Happy Birthday Morgan!" I giggle and bring her inside. "Morgan, you need to get dressed honey." My mother tells me and i turn to Iris then run up to my bedroom. I come back, i take Iris by the hand and head outside while my mother gets the keys. The car out front unlocks and we go in as my mother makes her way here. She starts the car and we head to the bakery, 'Sugar'.

Once we got there i get out of the car and hold the door for Iris as i giggle. We all head inside and my mother hands me a booklet full of many different types of cakes. I flip through and a cake catches my eye. A chocolate cake covered in white frosting, decorated with little bats and strawberries. "This one!" I hold it up as if the whole world were going to see it. My mother giggles and takes the booklet to show it to the woman behind the counter. I turn to look at Iris and she's looking out the glass staring at a man wearing a creepy mask. "Yes, please put this message on the cake.." She hands the woman a paper and grabs a candle shaped as the number 6. The woman hands her the cake, i then nudge Iris and hold the door open for them as i wave goodbye to the lady behind the counter and head home.

My mother places the cake on the counter once we get home. We had dropped Iris home and she'll stay there until trick or treating starts, she hasn't told me what her costume was going to be but i have a feeling it'll be a mummy. As for me I'm going to be Dracula. "Morgan pour out the candies into the bowl please." I nod as she puts up the decorations for the party and grab the bag of candy. I take a few and stuff them into my pockets and pour the rest into the bowl.

I jump out of the closet and scare my mother but after i do she begins to yell at me. I head downstairs and look out the window, looking for Iris and then i see her in a devil costume. I run outside with my mom walking behind me and she takes a photo of both of us. We walk away and i walk backwards in front of her, smiling excitedly but i bump into someone. "HEY! WATCH IT" The girl looks at me angrily and i recognized her, she puts her hand into a fist and punches me. I fall to the ground and she begins to kick me. Iris shoves her and she pushes Iris harshly, causing her to fall. She looks at me. "You should already know that you shouldn't show your face ANYWHERE near me." And with that she walked off. I get up and Iris begins to run towards but stops as she sees me run to a haunted house. I take her hand and walk inside, we look around and walk into a jumpscare and we both scream as we run to the exit. Then we head to a house and ring the doorbell. "trick or treat!!" The girl drops candy into our buckets. "You two are so cute! Stay safe guys!" And she shuts the door. We go house to house, gathering candies and at last we finish and walk to my home. 8:00pm. All my family members and friends are already arriving, i take Iris to my bedroom and we poor out all of our candies beginning to trade a few. "Morgan!" I hear my mother call and we both run down as the party begins. The kids play with us while the adults chatter, i heard one speaking of my uncle who was very quiet and kept to himself. As i played, my uncle had begun to talk to Iris so i walked over to them but as soon as i did he walked away. "What was he saying, Iris?" She stares at me and shakes her head. "Nothing."
We cut the cake carefully as if we were giving surgery. We ate and it was finally time for presents! I opened them all, most of them being action figures and some new clothing. After that, everyone had left and we helped my mother clean up. "I have to go home." Iris said while looking at me and my mother. "Oh, we can give you a ride home." She shakes her head and looks at me. "Sorry about your gift, i promise I'll get you one next year..just meet me at the tree in the evening" She smiles and walks out. "Sweetie are your sure? I can give you a ride home." My mother asks her but again she shakes her head and walks off, bucket full of candies in her hands, devil tail swaying back and forth as she walks.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2017 ⏰

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