Chapter 3

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My surrounding where mucky and brown, people with coal stained clothing and dim lit streets.
I knew I was going to stand out with my designer clothing, but, this? People literally painted in coal dust? No. I want to go home.
"Miss? I am going to escort you to
your new accommodation." Said a tall, brooding guy. He had dark wavy hair and beautiful blue shining eyes, broad shoulders. The only off putting thing about him was his coal dust outfit.

"And where might be my new home? I am a lady and I expect the best." I said, teasingly.

"Hah, lady or not, no one gets great accommodation here." He chuckled. "I'm Noah."
I thought for a moment before saying my new name, "Jay, Jay Danielle." I said my new name with pride.
Instantly his face darkened as I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see an Elder.
"I should go." Noah said as he walked away, wasn't he supposed to be my escort?
"Jay Danielle, I like it." Said the Elder. "Your escort ran off."
"I know." I said, staring into his menacing eyes.
"I hope you know this is a punishment not a joy ride." He said.
I adjusted my hat, removing my gaze from his eyes to the little shops behind him. "Yes, sir." I said, staying to my stereotypical loyalness to men.
"No friend making. You're isolated. Follow me to your accommodation." He said, bluntly.
I followed the skinny Elder to a run down apartment building. It wasn't great, but, it was better than nothing.
"Here. This is the standard place to live in The Branches." He said.
"Okay, but, I'm a lady I should be put in the highest ranked building." I said, clearly frustrated with my whole situation.
"This is a punishment, not a holiday." He replied.
I snorted and delicately walked over to the building, tracing the red brick with my gloved finger, then looking at my finger again to see a thick layer of dust.
"Ew." I mumbled under my breath.
The Elder smirked, he must of heard me gross out.
"It's as good as it gets." He smirked.
"Ugh. Fine." I said.

I turned around to see that the Elder had disappeared, leaving me stranded in front of an old broken down building. A little dog scurried past me as I approached the oak door to knock it.

3 knocks, 1, 2, 3, I always knocked 3 times, 4 if I feel I'm being ignored.

I heard someone unlatching the door, slowly, but definitely unlatching it. When the door finally opened a old lady with greying hair and a  blueberry toned suit. Her hair was pinned up into a little bun with a tiny golden clip.

"Hello...?" She said shyly, as her eyes met mine.

"I'm Jay, Jay Danielle, I've been sent to live here, at your lovely accommodation. " I said, putting on a fake voice and smile.

"Oh, of course dear, I'm Mrs Blu." She said, smiling, showing her old rotting teeth. "Please, come in."

As I stepped into the old beaten house Mrs Blu slammed the door shut and latched it quickly, clearly trying to keep something out. I didn't question this because it would be, you know, rude to ask why this lovely- no, adorable, old lady would be latching her door like her life depended on it.

"Does anyone else live here, I mean, apart from you?" I asked, as politely as I could, even thought she still managed to pull a frown.

"Oh yes, my lovely twins. Noah and Lillian-Rose." Mrs Blu said, still frowning, showing off her deepset eyes.

"Mom! Me and Lil are gonna go to the market!" Shouted a boy, his voice sounded familiar.

"No, hon! That girl has arrived, I think her name is Jay Danielle." Mrs Blu said, forgetting I was standing right next to her. "Come down my darlings."

And with that I heard thumping feet running down the steps, I looked up to see the boy I spoke to before the Elder came. It all made sense, that's why Noah came to pick me up, because he lives here.

"Mom, can we make this quick because we really need to go. We ran out of bread yesterday." Said a females voice, supposedly Lillian-Rose. "Oh, you must be Jay, call me Lil!"

I nodded, not sure what to say, especially as her gorgeous brother approached behind her.

"We meet again." He said, flipping his hair to the side.

"We do." I said, I started to notice how recognizably more posh my voice was.

He laughed and stepped in front of Lillian. "Maybe we could stay a little, I could make some food."

Lillian frowned, clearly not wanting to have a family dinner tonight.

"It's okay." I said, bluntly admitting I wasn't even hungry.

"You sure? You had a- um- not exactly long trip but- turning trip?" He said, laughing at himself as he said it.

I giggled, covering my mouth with my gloved hand, but then suddenly remembering my manners and stopped. "I'm okay. Where do I sleep?" I tried not to sound too demanding.

"I'll take you too it. Then me and Noa can go to the market." Lillian said as she snarled at me. "Right? Noah?" Noah weirdly stopped responding and was just staring at me, he then shook his head.

"Uh? What? Yeah sure..." He said as he stumbled off into the direction of the door.

"Follow me!" Lillian said, in a fake happy voice.

We went upstairs, and we stood in front of a ugly green colored door.

"Uhm.. Should we go in?" I asked, quietly.

"Umm, YEAH!" She said, angrily. "You're so rude."


We entered the musky room, basically covered in a blanket of dust. I set my suitcase by the side of the door, hoping none of the dust would escape onto my clothing.

"Here." She said, then she walked out and shut the door, rude.

The bed had a green quilt with gold embroidery, the cushions flat from age. The curtains where a disgusting gold color.

I wanted to clean it ASAP, but I hadn't seen a broom since I walked out of that tube.

I was only sentenced to live here for a year, but I have a small feeling that this year will not be as fun as I anticipated.

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