Chapter 1

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A young businessman around the age of twenty-seven walks around the streets, browsing around at the stores and busy crowds. Today was an extremely depressing day for him. The only person whom he could depend on had passed away. His mother.

It was a death he knew was coming but he didn't think it would happen so soon. She had looked perfectly fine a couple days ago.

"I'm fine."

"Don't worry about me."

"I feel a lot better."

These were things she kept telling him but those were all lies. It was painful for her. She was hurting. She was sick and now she was gone. What was he to do? She was his only sunshine.

He felt something tap his shoulder and realised it to be a raindrop. He needed to get inside somewhere before the rain would fall harder. He spotted a coffee shop in the corner of the street. It seemed almost empty and he decided it was a good place to rest in.

He strolled over to the coffee shop and pushed open the door, signalling the bell.

"Good afternoon customer," A young raven haired woman greeted. She wore the most warmest smile he'd seen in his life, except for his mother's.

He greeted her back politely and went to order his coffee.

"What would you like to order sir?"

"I'll take a regular coffee and a bagel," Takumi, the young business man says. He hands her exact change for the items and goes to sit in a seat near her.

The young woman by the name of Misaki, notices the sad expression in her customer's face and decides to try and cheer him up. She fills up his cup of coffee and wraps up his bagel to give to him.

"Here you are sir," She says placing his orders on the table and left him alone to eat.

Takumi watches as she walks away and picks up his cup ready to drink his coffee when he saw a little bit of writing on it.

It's okay!

Is what it had written on the front of his cup. He smiled to himself. How did she know that was something he needed to hear or see.


He sits in the coffee shop ordering a few things here and there. It seemed to be a slow day for the cafe as not much customers came in. Sometimes it was only him and the coffee girl. A awkward silence filled the room as it was just him and her again until her cellphone rang and she answered.

"Hello," He heard her answer. "Yes, I know I have to pay the amount for the debt soon but I haven't gathered enough money yet."

It seemed like she was having money problems. Who would've thought that. She seemed like she had no troubles but here she was talking about debt.

He watched as she sighed and put down her phone. She looked really sad. Was that how we looked before? Takumi got up from his chair, leaving his tip for her on the table and bid goodbye to her as he left the shop.

Misaki drags herself over to his table to clean it up and to finally shut up the shop. She goes to pick her tip and notices a white paper wrapped around it. She slowly unrolls it and her eyes widened. There was a note that said-

It's Okay!

It's Okay (Maid sama short story.)Where stories live. Discover now