So I wake up take a shower go to football practice shower go jog than go to school so Sara was waiting for me with Ana and Bernny.

Hey babe said Sara

Hey babe

Hey Bernny hey Ana

It's Brenny

( i call Brenny Bernny )

Hey Boone said ana

I got to go to class

So I gave a kiss and left😘. I hate when Sara's friend are just standing there watching us it's weird. So went to class normal day than lunch than school was over but after school we go to the tables

We're there a big tree. and tables and stuff were you get pictures and other stuff. the good part was its right next to the football field were we can hang out than go to practice.

So after practice we go to the bleachers were we wait for are rides well I have my own car but I wait till everyone's gone till I go to pizza planet with jack and Patrick presly jarred Hayes were we eat. Than I drop everyone of and I go home and do homework.😭😭

I added names I hope you vote I'll make my other chapter soon

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