Chapter 9

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Your POV

I had a few drinks.  I'm not sure how many, but I really don't care.  I haven't felt this fucking good in how long?  Lord knows I'm going to have one hell of a fucking hangover.

Suddenly, time stopped, my favorite song is playing and shit just got real.  I didn't notice myself walking to the dance floor 'til there was a bunch of people around me.

Without a care in the world, I danced.  I danced and sang along with my best friend behind me.  How'd she get there?  Fuck?  Anyways, I started grinding on her.  I usually don't dance like this but I'm fucked off my ass, and she doesn't seem to care.

I noticed someone watching me.  He was cute, dark hair, pale skin, rocker boy.  I think one of my friends noticed too, and they got him to go on the floor to dance with me.  The mood changed rather quick I must say.

He stood in front of me.  He was kinda tall but he looked cuter up close.  I don't know why but he seemed so. So familiar.  We started to dance, to different songs, one in which involved me grinding on his, uh, yeah..

I was truly enjoying this moment and when "Hello Bitches" by CL played (I love that song honestly) , he started to chuckle.  That's when I froze, I suddenly sobered up at the very moment.  That laugh, he notice me freeze, and pulled me closer til I felt his breath on my ear.  "You're an even better dancer.  I must say, I'd bet you'd look better under me, sweetheart."  I slowly turned around and looked at him in the eye.  It's Him.  The deranged lunitic I've been trying to get away from for months.  I thought he was gone for good.

Grabbing me by my waste, he whispered in my ear and no matter how loud the music was, I heard him.  Loud and clear.  "Shocked?  I bet, now.  Tell your friends that I'm taking you home.  That I'm a neighbor and your parents wanted you home at this moment.  We have things to discuss (Y/N)."

Nodding silently, I got away from him.  I told the group, they were too drunk to care so it didn't take long, with the small bag I had, I walked out, with Him following me closely behind.

Away from the loud club and on the empty streets, fear never left my vains.  I could've ran honestly, or stayed with my group but after what he did to one of the detectives at my house?  I couldn't bring that on them.

He was close behind me, but not a word was said.  I felt someone cover my mouth and pull me into the near by alley along with a sound of a belt buckle unbuckling. Oh fuck, why now?  God why?
Suddenly I heard a gargling sound, turning around, the culprit was dead.  Jeff pulled me through the alley the rest of the way back to my house.  I'm praying no ones home.

"You're awfully quiet.  I can't even get a thank you for saving your pathetic life?"

"Go fuck your-" I felt a harsh smack on my face that almost sent me to the ground.  Looking back at the maniac before me, I held back my tears and glared.

"Don't speak to me that way, you slut."

"I'm NOT a SLUT!"

"Then explain why you were dancing on me the way you did?  You thought I was a random stranger and had your ass all over my crotch."

"I was DRUNK! I don't need to explain shit to you!"

He grabbed me by my hair and pulled my face twords him. "You do babe. You're MINE!" Then He pushed his lips to mine.


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