Chapter 1

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Jack's P.O.V 

"I tell you once I'll tell you again, Don't leave your dirty clothes all along the damn stairway! I'm not yer fookin maid!" I groan rubbing my eyes as she slams my door closed, another door slammed telling me that she left for her 'date'. When I know shes only getting a boyfriend for the money because shes to lazy to get a job, she wonders where I get my laziness from. Though I'm not complaining I'll take a bag of chips and a sweet game console over anything, including my dead beat mother. I know that sounds harsh but you try and come live with her for a while and you'll understand, I get off of my bed and head to my computer. Everything that I have I bought for my self with the paycheck I get from my job as a bartender, I know that sounds weird how did a high school kid get a job at a bar. Being Irish and having the charisma just works perfect. I laugh and turn on my console, I only got the job because I am forced to mix drinks for my mom just to get her off my ass so it turns out I got pretty good at it- enough to get me a job anyway.

I turned on Unknown Battlegrounds and join one of my school friends servers, Felix. Me and Felix have been friends since I moved to America, basically like my right hand man. As soon as he found out I was on I got a Skype call, making me chuckle. I click accept and all I can see is a frantic blonde swede running around his room to grab his food and headphones, I just wait for him to plug them in just in case he didn't want his parents to know anything. Such a good friend I think to my self chuckling. "Whats up my dude!" Felix says adjusting his headphones, before I'm able to say anything he buts in again. "I thought you got grounded and couldn't touch heaven," I roll my eyes "The witch went out on a date." "Poor guy." Me and Felix laugh as we start to play Unknown Battlegrounds.

Mark's P.O.V

"Do you really have to go, I thought you were going to stay and help me with my chemistry homework?" I tried to hide the crack in my voice "sorry bud, she really wants to meet up today she sounded really upset over the phone." I looked at my dad and just nodded, "I understand, I wouldn't want to ruin what you have going." I said it a little to sarcastic. "Come on Mark, I really like her and when you meet her your going to like her just like your mot-" I looked at him my eyes turned cold, but my father's eyes caused me to put on a fake smile which seemed to make him happy. "I'll be back later, get your homework done before I get back." He said as he hugged me and grabbed his keys and walking out the door, locking it behind him.

A sigh escaped my mouth as soon as I heard the truck drive off. Grabbing my backpack and heading to the comfort of my bed, throwing my math book onto the bed and going to my desk for a pencil. Stopping half way looking at my computer screen at the very top a bubble appeared, I sat down and clicked on the icon. I sighed seeing it was my friends group chat,

'Mark where are you were getting hammered in Unknown Battlegrounds'  From Bob.                'Mark, little worried about you dude, you seem really down at school maybe saving are asses in Unknown Battlegrounds will help' From Wade.                                                                                         

I smiled, at least they care about me, I texted back though my smile faded as I remembered my math homework.

'Sorry guys I have math homework and no need to worry about me I was just really tired.' I wasn't lying I was really tired yesterday from not getting any sleep because I was worried about the lady my dad has been with. I shake my head and close my laptop, grabbing the pencil and starting on my math.

At Date (:3 Hope you get the reference :P)

Laughter filled the empty park as the couple told little jokes and talked about life. The man smiled as the moon reflected of the white Irish woman's skin, drawing him like a moth to a flame. Though the moth doesn't know how dangerous the flame really is. "I love you." The flame said drawing moth even closer, "I love you to, I couldn't love anyone as much as I love you." The moth moves to close to the flame causing him to go blind, blind to the truth. The moth leans in kissing the flame, at that moment the flame knew it had won. (I don't know Jack's mom's name or Mark's Dad's name so, better not put it then getting it wrong.) "Mrs.McLoughlin will you marry me?" The moth held  back his head to look at the flame as he held out a diamond ring. "Yes!" The flame sang hiding all of her heat for later.

At that moment the flame had claimed the moth and manipulated it making it hers, and she wasn't going to let anyone steal him. No matter who gets hurt when her flame gets to bright or to hot.

OMGGGG YASSS!! MY FIRST SEPTIPLIER FANFIC!! I'm so happy even if it sucked. The moth thing kinda kills me I don't know why maybe it's to cringe worthy, I don't know. I hope you guys liked it now I'm gonna do a brief description for the people who are confused by my horrible writing. Ok, so Sean/Jack lives a life with his selfish mom to be honest he was a mistake she never wanted him but while she had him she wasn't going to miss the chance for a free slave. Jack's mom ends up 'falling in love' with Mark's dad, Mark lives a good life with his amazing, caring father. Mark has many friends at school and is known to be a jock and really smart, while Jack tries to keep a low profile and only hangs out with Felix. Jack isn't into running and working out though he keeps himself fit and skinny because of his job and because of his bullies. Jack is smart just doesn't go to his full potential. HOPE THIS CLEARS IT UP SEE YA IN THE NEXT CHAPTER, or not whatever. XD <3

                                                                       With love,

                                                                                            ~Blueberry :3

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