Chapter 2

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( I love this sooo much!! My favorite song with my favorite OTP XD)

Jack's P.O.V

It was about 2:32 AM now thank god it was the weekend. I yawned just as I was looting a guy I had killed Felix was on the other side of the makeshift base we had at the moment. The round is almost over it's just me and Felix and these other guys called Bob and Wade, "I think I see them." "Get ready, I got a whole bunch of meds just in case." Felix nodded to the camera as we got in position  waiting to snipe the shit out of their asses. Few seconds we were in a all out war I ended up getting cut down using all the meds I could while Felix held both of them down. "Come on buddy.." "Almost there!" I was now raging pressing every button I could. In the end both me and the guy Wade died leaving Felix and Bob. "Darn it!" I could hear Felix laughing in the background, he had gotten up to throw away his chips and soda can.

I yawned and was about to set up another round when I heard the car pull up and the stomp of my mom's feet walking up the stairs. I jump up, "I got to go see you later!!" "Wait wh-" I didn't give him anymore time as I turned off Skype and closed out Unknown Battlegrounds, completely shutting down my computer. I jumped out of my desk chair onto my bed to act like I was sleeping, though she never came in she only passes my bedroom door to walk into hers. At first I was happy and started to really fall asleep then I got curious. I got up and walked up to my door mentally face palming for my own curiosity, I walked into her bedroom to see her organizing her room. "How'd it go?" She jumped a litter her face making me confused "were you crying?" She laughed and wiped off her cheek, I now knew it was fake I sigh thinking of what she could have done. "Yer gonna have a new father. Don't screw it up either!" Her Irish accent springing out as she took off her shoes, "He purposed!" My voice cracked from anger and sadness, because he fell for it. "Why are you so shocked you don't think I can pull of a-" "A miracle?" I but in. She walked over to me her eyes full of anger and her mouth twisted, "he is coming over soon and if you screw anything up you can kiss this house good bye." She said grabbing my arm and pulling me close. I cringed as she slapped my face, "now get to bed you little shite you have work tomorrow." I dash to my room and close the door anger and sadness building up inside of me.

( If I was gonna hide my cutter it be here. ) I run into my bathroom and lock the door behind me. I climb onto the counter and go to the top of a cabinet grabbing a sharp blood covered razor. I cringed at all the blood, not being able to wash it the last time because I was in a rush. I wash it off and pull off my blue hoodie, taking off the bandages from my last 'session' looking at my blood stained wrists. ( SO MUCH BLOOD :# ) Aligning my razor with my wrist, my eyes water as the razor stings deep into my skin. Soon the pain turns to pleasure as my sanity brakes completely loosing all control of my arm I cut more and more blood dropping onto the wood floor. Snapping back Into reality when one cut goes over another, "AH FUCK!" my breath hitches as blood seeps crazily along my arm and onto my elbow slowly dripping on the hard wood floor. I drop the razor onto the counter my hand full of blood, to scared to look at my arm I turn on the water dipping it in. 'Such a fuck up' I think to my self disgusted as I look to the pool of blood on the floor, leaving my arm in the running water I grab my first aid kit I keep in the cabinet. Turning off the water and taking one of my red towels adding pressure, I don't want to do this. Looking at the peroxide, remember what happened last time, I shake my head and add a bunch holding back screams. 'weak'.

(Give all you queasy and squeamish people a breather XD)

Mark's P.O.V

I was watching a late night news channel and eating some leftovers when my dad walked in, he looked... happy, I felt guilt swell in my mind remembering how hard I was on him when he said he had a new girlfriend. I smiled and turned of the tv, bringing my plate to the kitchen sink. 'How was it?' 'Do you really like her?' 'You think she can replace mom?' all questions I wanted to ask him but  before I was able to he just grabbed me and pulled me in to one of his big bear hugs. "Your really..'wince' happy." I breathed when he let go he had water collecting in his eyes, "dad?" "I love you so much, you know that right?" he said holding my shoulders "Of course." I said blinking thinking of the ways this could go. "I purposed and she said.. yes." He says hugging me again, he is just so ... happy.. I don't want to ruin this, I put on my fake act of happiness. "I'm so happy!" "I can't wait to meet her!" "Wait.. When?" He looked at me not really buying the act so I smiled really big and I guess he bought it after that. "Where going to go to her house for diner tomorrow." I nodded giving him one last hug, "I'm really happy for you dad." he smiled and I walked upstairs to my bedroom.

I plopped onto the bed sighing heavily and falling asleep.

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