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All the girls were up at 1 a.m. at Lauren and Bri house on Friday night watching Orphan. All of them had popcorn in their hair and all over the floor from throwing it up in the air.

April: I can't believe that bone just popped out like that.....the lil witch. I REBUKE U IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND MERCIFUL!!!

Tay: Bruh WYS! But that lil deaf girl is wassup!! She smarter than half our geometry class!!

Lauren: WYS!!

*Door bell rings*

Bri: Wtf?!?! Who would be coming to ppl houses at 1 in the a.m.!?!? Smh.

April: Wys! Imma go see who it is. If I don't come back y'all kno what to do.

Other girls: GRIT BALL!!!!

Bri: But we ain't got no grits.

Lauren: That's what you got fists and feet for!!!

*Door bell rings again*

April: Pause the movie y'all. ALRIGHT I'M COMING!!

*Opens door*


April: Omg what y'all doing here? Didn't ya mommas give y'all a bedtime?! *Smiles*

(Boys start laughing)

Prince: No. But we were bored so we just decided to see if y'all were here since the party is later on today. And we just kinda hoped y'all weren't asleep. (reaches up and pulls popcorn outta April's hair)

April: Thanks. Come on in we were watching a movie. (leads them to the living room) You guys guess who it was!

Other girls: WHO?!?!

(MB walks in)

Tay: Wassup y'all!

Lauren: Yea, wassup. Don't y'all know only stalkers and predators visit ppl this late at night??!!

Roc: Lmao!! Well we can't help if we get bored easily!!

Bri: So y'all are famous stars but get bored easy w/ all your things you can buy w/ your big bank rolls of money???!!!

Prod: Uh I guess so.

April: Well I guess y'all can finish watching the movie w/ us because right now I need to see if this dumb ahh daddy gone get killed.

Prince: (Walks over and sits on the couch by April) So....what y'all watching??

Lauren: Orphan.

Roc: (Walks over and sits beside Lauren on the floor) I have never seen this movie!

Everybody else in the room: Me neither!!

Ray: (walks over and sits on the floor leaning up against the couch beside Tay)

Tay: Heyy ponytails!

Ray: *Smiles* Wassup Ma!

(Prince's P.O.V.)- Dang! I love April pjs. She looks super sexy!! I like her soo freaking much....imma marry her one day.....! I hope I'm not thinking out loud right now because I do that sometimes...o.O

April left the room and came back with more popcorn. They started the movie again.


Everyone else: WTH?!?!

Lauren: Shut up! (Throws popcorn at him)

Prod: All hecks nawl! (Throws some back)

Bri: Heyy!! (Throws some at Prod)

April and Octavia: POPCORN WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After about 10 minutes of ppl getting hit in the face and getting dropped in popcorn they all just laid out on the floor out of breath.

Roc: It's getting late so we should prob hit the road...

Lauren: Nuh uh y'all gotta help clean all this popcorn up!!

Prince: Yea yea. We know lol!

So they all started cleaning up. Ray Ray was picking up a long line of popcorn in a row & his head ran straight into Tay's butt.

Tay: Whooooaaaa!!!

Ray: Awl excuse me Ma. I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention.

Tay: I guess it's ok this time. Next time imma have to jump you!

(Ray's P.O.V.)- OMG she said next time. Does that mean she expects to see me again?? Oh wait........the pool party is later on today..........-_- look at me getting all happy and ish for no reason!!

Prod: Where's the bathroom at??

Bri: Turn to the right go down the hall & go through the gameroom and turn to the left.

Prod: Why don't you just show me??

Bri: Aiight. (starts walking towards the bathroom)

Prod: I like y'all house. It's nice.

Bri: Thanks. We have been in this house since we were five and we don't intend to move anytime soon.

Prod: Well now that ik where you live imma have 2 stalk you and stuff. That cool??

Bri: Lmao. Hecks nawl!! Creeper!! Here it is. Can you find your way back or do I have to stand here and hold your hand (in a teasing voice)

Prod: Yesh!! (Baby voice)

Bri: Lol aiight.

(Prod's P.O.V.)- Man she so cool and funny. And I hope she still hold my hand :) Mama need to take care of her baby right?? Duuuhhh!!! I really need to hold back the temptation to just press her up against one of these walls and have my way w/ her. But no.....I like her too much to disrespect her. Lemme get back to my bae

Prod: C'mon you gotta hold my hand this time!! (holds out his hand)

Bri: Smh let's get back! (grabs his hand)

(Bri's P.O.V.)- I can't believe he actually holding my hand. Ugh I like him so dang much. I wonder if he feel the same way. All I know is I never wanna let go of his hand...

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