Playing With Chance - Chapter 27

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It had been hours since the torture portion of my murder started, and I was finally starting to feel like I was falling unconscious.  

I didn't want to go under though.  

My whole being was fighting to see what was going on around me, but I think I was losing too much blood to stay awake.

Looking at my captors I saw a glint of..... admiration in all of their eyes.  

"What did I tell you about her being of a special brand of humans?  Most people wouldn't be looking at me with such defiance at the moment," Samael said with a small measure of respect.

"She really is something," Dunstan said losing his admiration, and letting his voice take on a hint of..... superstition?  I don't know.  At this point I know I'm not thinking straight.

"Are you afraid of the ghosts of this world?" I asked Dunstan slowly.


"You're in the wrong occupation to be superstitious.  Maybe that's why you drink so much...."  I continued, hoping that it would help me stay awake.

"Not only is she still able to stay awake this far in, she is still making observations about us that most people don't recognize," Samael said in something similar to joy, "She really is amazing.  I wish more people were like her.  It's been more interesting than usual," he stopped for a second and studied me, "What do you think Dunstan?  Should we give her a break?  I'm getting kind of tired, and she's about to pass-out.  It's no fun when they're like that."

Dunstan nodded his head, looking at me like I was a snake about to bit him.

I really wish I could.

"Orpheas, I'm going to leave you on watch.  Here's her phone.  If anyone trys to talk to her, reply as if you were her, and she was fine.  I know they're not going to figure it out, but I don't want to run any risks.  She has some powerful friends and I'm going to be extra careful with her.  If she passes-out that's fine, but if it looks like she stopped breathing come get me.  She's not supposed to die quiet yet.  I'll be back in a couple hours."

Orpheas nodded, and looked at me for the first time since I got that first cut down my arm.

He flinched at what he saw, and started to look at his feet again.

As soon as Samael was out of the room, I looked at Orpheas, willing him to look at me again.

His eyes slowly drifted upward to meet mine.

"Orpheas?" I asked, "When I'm dead will you leave a note to Chance?  He's my boyfriend, and I had a fight with him a few days ago.  I want him to know that I'm not still mad at him."

I saw tears well up in his eyes as he looked at me, and nodded.

"Thank you," I whispered before slipping into unconsciousness.

I woke up to someone touching my face lightly.

"Elizabeth?  You need to wake up now.  I have something very important to tell you.  You need to wake up now."

I opened my eyes, and blinked a couple times.

"That's it open your eyes, and look at me."

Doing as the voice said I found Orpheas looking at me with concern, "Listen, Elizabeth.  I need you to stay awake for a little while.  I called Chance.  Chance is coming for you.  He'll be here soon, but I need you to wake up so we can get you out of here easily."


"That's right.  Chance is coming.  He will get you out of here.  He said to ask if you still have the wolf he gave you."

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