How will I tell

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Lance was walking around with his hooid on. After awhile he hear lunch was ready.

When he got there he saw everyone waiting. His sits and allura looks at him like he did something wrong.

"Lance... may you please take off the hooid?" she asked in a kind voice. he was a bit uneasy about but he did. After its off it shows him as an alltan. Everyone is shocked and Allura and crona just stand there.  "I thought we were the last alltans " crona said. "Lance may I speak with you" allura asked he nodded, he, allura, crona walked out.

"Keith are you going to tell him" shiro ask quietly. Before he said anything pidge and hunk left the room shocked. "I don't know, you saw how allura was what about lance.." Keith said I a shaken voice. " I'll go find allura you find Lance" shiro said walking off, leaving keith alone.

"Lance may I come in" keith asked in a friendly tone. The door opened to see lance. "Lance I need to tell you something" keith said still at the door. "Lance you may hate me after this but-" before he could finish Lance buded in. "keith I could never hate you! I thought you hate me for not tellin you!" Lance yelled throw a few tears. They just standed there. "Lance I'm not mad at you... I've been keeping a secret to." Lance looked a keith still not saying anything "Lance me and shiro are galra"


Sorry for not posting I've been I school 😨 so yeah.

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