Bluberry Sans

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Okay, so I use this app called Sketch and I highly recommend you try that out. It's by Sony and it allows you to draw as many pictures as you want on a mobile phone or tablet. It's really simple and easy to use so you should check it out if you're interested!

Anyways, I'm big Undertale trash because I love the thought of different alternate universes existing and the thought of how big and how creative these universes have become. My favorite Sans has to be between Blueberry Sans and G Sans.

Most of the digital art is probably going to be from Sketch. I'm just used to drawing with my finger and I might even show some art outside of Sketch. I also highly recommend FireAlpaca if you use a computer and in need of drawing something but you don't have enough money to buy a software for digital art. The download is free and easy to use once you get used to all of the overwhelming list of drawing utensils to choice from.

Anyways, talk to you later. Boi! :3

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