"Mad Hatter" Melanie Martinez drawing

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I'm NuTs, BaBy I'm MaD. ThE cRaZiEsT fRiEnD tHaT yOu'Ll EvEr HaVe. YoU tHiNk I'm PsYcHo, YoU tHiNk I'm GoNe, TeLl ThE pSyChAtRiSt SoMeThInG iS wRoNg. OvEr ThE bEnD, eNtIrElY bOnKeRs. YoU lIkE mE bEsT wHeN i'M oFf My RoCkErS. TeLl YoU a SeCrEt, I'm NoT aLaRmEd. So WhAt If I'm CrAzY? AlL tHe BeSt PeOpLe ArE~.

 So WhAt If I'm CrAzY? AlL tHe BeSt PeOpLe ArE~

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