Chapter 1

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There had been a girl standing in front of an apartment door, impatiently tapping her foot. Her light blue hair had been pulled up in a high bun; her dark gray eyes gleamed in anticipation; blueberries decorated her umbrella, which she twirled as she looked down the street.

If a passerby had to describe her at that moment, they would opt for: fashionably colourful and expectant.

The stairs on which she stood on elevated her, but barely so. Nonetheless, she managed to spot a certain figure walking around the corner in a matter of seconds, followed by a loud squeal and a prompt tackle. To outsiders, she would've appeared to teleport; to her lover, he easily caught her around the waist and carried her back to the house in a bridal carry.

Kaacha flailed playfully before settling down, somehow managing to squeeze his biceps in the process. "Kendo again?" she inquired.

"As you can see," he answered, indicating the wooden katana strapped to his back.

Kaacha grinned at him. A beat, then-

"Why were you outside?" he continued smoothly.

By then, they had arrived at the apartment door. Kaacha obligingly stood as Kyosuke fished out the keys to his door.

"Ahaha..." Kaacha adopted an embarrassed pose, briefly tugging at the stray strands of hair that spilled from her bun. "I wanted to greet you?" her voice tilted upwards, unsure.

Kyosuke snorted, indicating her fallen umbrella, cast aside when Kaacha had gone to greet Kyosuke. "And forgot your keys." he deduced.

Kaacha flushed crimson. "W-well!" she stammered, not all that surprised that Kyosuke had figured her out so easily. "I'm known for my charm, not my memory!"

He was already striding inside, though he did scoop up her groceries and bags as he passed them, beginning to sort and organize them. She followed him huffily, doing her best to help.

Moments later, Kaacha's heartbeat thundered loudly in her ears as she balanced precariously on a stool. She lifted one leg to give her the extra inch needed to place the carton of milk inside the fridge, straining. Sweat trickled down her neck from the effort.

Her ankle wobbled and she fell.

Before she could hit the ground, a pair of warm arms encircled her waist, while the milk was safely set down on a nearby table.

"I'm glad you're safe." Kyosuke murmured.

Kaacha froze, a silly grin adorning her face. Three months into their relationship, and she still blushed and giggled every time he so much as touched her. If it was possible, her heart raced faster.

"W-well, I'm a karate black belt y-you know." she retorted, taking his hand in between her small ones. "Plus, it's a safe neighborhood! The residents of this area are very unlikely to invade our home, and FreeSpeech says the probability of aliens coming to Earth is super low, haha!"

Kyosuke listened to her ramble on and on about a topic entirely unrelated to her fall, a fond smile creeping onto his face. Briefly, he tightened his grip, her skirt (polka dotted and in varying shades of pastel pink) rustling.

"I'm glad for you," he whispered. Kaacha's blush deepened.

"HUH?! A-ah, don't say that, Kyo-chan, the author might decide to end our story here to capture this perfect moment!"


Quirks and all, his girlfriend was amazing.

A/N: Hope this brought a smile to your face! By the way, I originally picked Kaacha as a name because it just popped into my head one day while I was drafting this and I didn't want to decide on a name just yet. But when I looked it up, I discovered 'Kacha' is an Indian English word that means 'temporary'. While not exactly similar, it's still a really cool coincidence. (especially the meaning)

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