There are 84 Pokémon known in Coex and can be found throughout the region.
1. Cocoala: Grass
2. Palmear: Grass
3. Phasark: Grass/Ghost
4. Pyrarie: Fire/Ground
5. Ashog: Fire/Ground
6. Lavounder: Fire/Ground
7. Orqua: Water
8. Whalruph: Water/Fighting
9. Slamale: Water/Fighting
10. Bowbi: Normal/Flying
11. Bowavia: Normal/Flying
12. Ulivae: Bug
13. Ulicrys: Bug
14. Ulifly: Bug/Flying
15. Boomarma: Ghost
16. Venegra: Poison/Bug
17. Lethuda: Poison/Bug
18. Odomok: Dragon/Poison
19. Gardok: Dragon/Poison
20. Poitten: Poison/Psychic
21. Toxline: Poison/Psychic
22. Parasweet: Flying/Fairy
23. Fico: Water/Fire
24. Embaria: Water/Fire
25. Seedine: Grass/Normal
26. Sunivourew: Grass/Fighting
27. Divivy: Grass/Fairy
28. Nomey: Fairy
29. Nomova: Fairy/Psychic
30. Bomsea: Steel/Water
31. Explocean: Steel/Water
32. Futorb: Psychic
33. Espand: Psychic
34. Hayprick: Grass/Steel
35. Struncture: Grass/Steel
36. Mindarin: Water/Psychic
37. Scalaby: Dragon
38. Scaladin: Dragon
39. Scalord: Dragon
40. Yipalurk: Dark/Water
41. Saikil: Dark
42. Beautimare: Fairy/Normal
43. Amefist: Rock/Fighting
44. Sinigrub: Bug/Dark
45. Siniblood: Bug/Dark
46. Sinisorb: Bug/Dark
47. Marblight: Rock/Ghost
48. Sulfgeist: Rock/Ghost
49. Heateor: Rock/Fire
50. Asheroid: Rock/Fire
51. Huggum: Ice/Fighting
52. Hexyn: Ice/Psychic
53. Stellabble: Rock/Psychic
54. Mrs. Mime: Psychic/Fairy
55. Slashore: Water/Steel
56. Didi: Normal
57. Lupingo: Normal
58. Learoo: Fighting
59. Kikouch: Fighting
60 E-CO: Normal/Electric
61. PE-CO: Poison/Electric
62. HE-CO: Water/Electric
63. SE-CO: Grass/Electric
64. WE-CO: Flying/Electric
65. PsyE-CO: Psychic/Electric
66. A-CO: Dark/Electric
67. Mousho: Electric/Fighting
68. Rasho: Electric/Fighting
69. Rodensho: Electric/Fighting
70. Fangang: Fighting
71. Mirrit: Ghost/Steel
72. Reflectoul: Ghost/Steel
73. Scrapengeance: Ghost/Steel
74. Pawnold: Ice
75. Hookoze: Ice
76. Frishop: Ice/Psychic
77. Knyo: Ice/Steel
78. Royice: Ice
79. Cogu: Normal
80. Neumortal: Normal/Flying
81. Posangel: Fairy/Flying
82. Negemon: Ghost/Flying
83. Spirash: Ghost/Fire
84. Twiflight: Dark/Flying
Coex Region info
AdventureJust some info about what the Coex Region had to offer! Please do not steal and/or claim any material of mine. Enjoy!