The Beginning

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"SANS!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUTSIDE YOUR STATION? YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE AT WORK!" Sans was standing next to his station staring of into spa-...the ceiling... "I'm on break tho, bro." Papyrus started to get angry "SANS EVERY TIME I COME HERE YOU ON BREAK! PLEASE SANS...STOP BOONDOGGLEING AND GET BACK TO WORK. UNFORTUNATELY I HAVE TO GO BACK TO WORK." Papyrus sighed as Sans glanced at something in the bushes. "LET ME KNOW IF YOU NEED ANYTHING, OK SANS?" As Papyrus was talking, Sans snapped back from thinking about something. "Oh. mk bro" "BYE SANS!" Papyrus left, leaving Sans alone in the cold forest. "*sigh* It must be freezing for me if i had any skin", Sans said to himself as he plopped down on the ground leaning on his station. He looked at the bush again and saw a small face peeking at him with black and purple eyes. Then it was gone like it was never there. "W-...wha....?" Sans rubbed his eye sockets and didn't see anything in the same spot where he saw the thing. He shrugged and yawned. Its been a couple hours since i got any sleep, Sans thought as he drifted off to sleep.

The two were hiding in the bushes. One was shorter and much younger than the other. "I need you to go to him and ask for him to help. Explain to him what is going on and what this whole thing is about." Said the older person. "B-but what if he doesn't want to help?" Said the younger person, who was nervous. "I'm sure he will, kiddo. If he doesn't help, he and his brother's lives will end. and so will ours." He patted the younger kid's shoulder. "Don't be nervous ok? I'm here for you. You got this, alright?" "The younger one smiled. "Be safe though, i don't want you to get hurt." He said as the other on opened a portal to another place. "You to...


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