RED Medic x BLU Reader

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WARNING: This may have a few lewd jokes but ITS NOT A SMUT OR LEMON! There just me making bad jokes. But if you hate sex jokes or if you are under the age of 18, get out. I hope you enjoy me being a sick pervert.

3rd P.O.V.

He stared at her while ubercharging a Heavy. He couldn't help himself. She seemed so... perfect. So fragile, and every time a Heavy would mow her down, or every time a Scout would bash her head in with his bat, it broke his heart.

He couldn't describe the feeling he had for her. Was it Love? No. The last time he fell in love was with his wife, but then realizing that she was cheating on him with his enemy, the BLU Demoman. He later divorced her and swore to never fall in love with someone who might hurt him again. And trust me. That is NOT the kind of feeling that feels good.

He had been so caught up with her taunting a dead RED Scout, that he hadn't even noticed the RED aura of the ubercharge wearing off. He gasped as the Heavy flew back, knocking him down along with him. He groaned and looked up at the Heavy, seeing his head blown off.
He was stunned for a moment, his mouth agape in shock before snapping back to reality when the snapping of a gun brought him back. He turned and saw Y/N, the woman who distracted him, pointing a 44. Magnum to his head.

She stared at him with no expression, but her eyes showed slight sympathy for the pathetic man in front of her. He sighed deeply and closed his eyes, waiting for her to pull the trigger and kill him. Yet.. it never came.

He opened his eyes, seeing her staring at him in an intimidating kind of way. Her eyebrows furrowed together in a sligjt frown, her pupils were dilated, and her lower lip was quivering. She growled suddenly, frightening him. She punched him in the jaw, emitting a pained groan from the enemy doctor. He glared back at her, only for his face to soften when he saw her eyes welling up. She then got up and yelled out, "STOP TRYING TO SEDUCE ME YOU... YOU RED GERMAN FREAK!! " She was blushing as tears ran down her face. Mein gott, she's beautiful even when she cries... He thought

She jumped in realization, and wiped her face with her sleeve. "Ugh!! Why do I love you of all people?!!" She growled before turning and running to her base. The RED sat there underneath the dead Heavy, contemplating on what just happened. "Frau..."

"Ich liebe dich auch..." (I love you too...)

After the battle...

The RED Medic picked at his food, staying silent as his teammates stared at him, concerned. Spy spoke up, breaking the ice. "Medic, what is the matter mon ami? 'Ou seem to be bothered by something." Medic looked up at the Spy, looking frazzled. "Yeah, He's right doc, did one of your experiments fail or somethin'?" Scout said before chugging down a can of Bonk! Before crushing it in his grasp.

Medic furrowed his eyebrows and sighed before quietly muttering, "I'm not feeling myself... I... I'm going to eat in ze infirmary." Getting up, he took his plate and hurriedly rushing to his room. He was greeted by Archimedes flying to his shoulder and cuddling his cheek and cooed, as if to say, 'Don't worry Medic! I'm here for you!'.

Medic smiled and pet his companion. "Thank you mein frund..." Archimedes cooed in response and flew towards the hanging lights. Medic sighed. What could he do? He couldn't be with you, let alone talk to you because he would lose his job... Hell, you probably don't feel the same way. And he had sworn never to fall in love with someone that might hurt him again... and you're supposed to kill him every Single God forsaken day. (A/N: The Irony...)

However, the German didn't know that you felt the same way as he did. Only... it was harder for her.

In the BLU Base...

"UGH!! DAMN YOU!!" Y/N slammed her hands on the pictures of the RED Medic. You loved that sadistic maniac.. Freak of Nature, you took pictures of him against his will! That made you the freak not him! It doesn't help that he's a RED and you're a BLU. You tugged your tangled h/c hair and tire at the pictures of the RED Medic. He made you feel so happy, so warm and loved. Too bad that you both are on opposite teams and can't really interact with each other. And it was driving you more insane than he will ever be. He was so handsome, and whenever he would cackle like a maniac when he would slice open Scout's throat, it would send pleasurable shivers down your spine. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

He drove insane. You wanted to attack him, and make sure that no one, not even his ex wife, will take him away. But it's not as easy as it sounds. You'd get fired if you were merely friends with him. You remembered what happened with your team's Soldier and the RED Demoman. Once they were the best of chums and them, Boom. At each other's throatd. And you didn't want that to happen to you and Medic.

You sighed deeply and turned off the lights, crawling into bed. I'm just gonna sleep it off and hide it from the guys tomorrow. They'll never notice. You kept thinking in your head. After counting 789 sheep, you fell asleep, and dreamt about Medic proposing to you and asking for you to run away with him and other cliche stuff like that.

Next morning during battle...

You hated Capture the Flag. I mean- you risk your life 400 times just to get a RED briefcase that you're not even supposed to look in. Thats a load of bull crap! You ran and stopped when you saw RED Medic coming. You frantically looked around, until you found a supply closet. You ducked inside, praying he wouldn't come inside (That's what she said) Then, the door creaked open. You whipped around, seeing the RED Medic coming in. He stared at your frightening and shaking form with sympathy. He whispered, "Frau... I love you too..." His low raspy, hot German accent almost knocked you out. You stopped quivering and inched towards him, readied with your weapon just in case this was a trick. "This ain't a trick is it?" The Medic growled lowly, before smiling dreadfully. He grasped your wrists and pinned them to the wall. Before you could react, he crashed his lips onto yours, bruising them for sure.

You pushed away his wrists and tackled him and pinned him down. He looked surprised, as if he didn't know you could make that kind of move. You then leaned down and kissed him softly, not wanting to hurt him in any way. You placed your hands on each side of his cheeks while Medic cautiously placed his hands on your hips. He feared that if he made one small move, you would disappear.

Due to oxygen, you two pulled back, panting and staring at each other, dazed. You guys blushed and came the awkward silence. "I... love you too Frau..." Medic whispered. You shockingly looked at him, before smiling warmly. "You're so beautiful... And you could probably kill a man with one wink..." He sighed. You whispered back, "I love you too baby...."

Luckily there were no camera's in that room...

Okay that one was a bit of a stretch. But... I hope you enjoyed me being a sick bastard. This wasn't that hard to do though.... ehehehehehehe "hard" ehehehehe ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°). Sorry. But if you want more of these oneshots, feel free to request! I'll be waiting!........

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Sorry. caps was on.

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