In Your Head

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It had been two months since it happened – since Adelaide was taken away from him. And those two months had been hell. They say it gets better in time but from what DogNut knew; that was all bullshit. If anything, it gets worse in time. Everywhere he went, he was reminded of the girl he loved so much. Whenever he saw long brown hair, he thought of her. Whenever he saw a baseball bat, he thought of her. Everything he saw, he thought of her.

What made it worse was that he could hear Adelaide's voice inside his head and there wasn't anything he could do to make her go away, he'd tried too many times and it never worked. He didn't control Adelaide, she did that on her own. Even in death, Adelaide refused to obey anyone's rules except her own.

Sitting down at one of the tables at breakfast, DogNut felt a familiar warm pressure on the back of his neck and on his arm, causing him to smile a little to himself as he took a few mouthfuls of his porridge. "Good morning, babe," he muttered, not caring that some of the kids turned to stare at him once he spoke to thin air.

People can year you when you talk to me, y'know. Good morning to you, too, by the way.

"Yeah, yeah; and I don't really care."

You should, people are starting to think you're crazy, but then again; it wouldn't be the first time. She laughed at that, and it made him chuckle a little too. He imagined her head tilting back as she laughed, her eyes closing as a hand clasped over her mouth; just like she used to.

"Oh, shut up," DogNut muttered through his chuckles, taking another mouthful of porridge.

Make me.

Oh, how I wish I could.

I heard that.

"Sorry, I kind of forget that since you're in my head, you can read my thoughts as well."

Adelaide chuckled a little. You're fine, babe. Ed's coming, I'll disappear.

Before DogNut could protest or even say a goodbye, Ed sat down beside him, patting DogNut's shoulder as he did.

Ed felt awful for DogNut. Knowing how much Adelaide meant to him, and to have her die right in front of him would've been completely heart-breaking. DogNut hadn't been himself ever since he returned, he somewhat looked after Esme but he was somewhat distant from his friends.

Well, what was left of them.

Ed noticed the necklace fastened tightly around DogNut's neck, knowing that it once belonged to Adelaide – just another thing to help keep Adelaide's memory alive.

"You up for going out today?" Ed finally asked, dropping his hand from DogNut's shoulder.

DogNut nodded, forcing himself to smile. "Yup, I'll be ready to go in about ten minutes."

Ed didn't look convinced and grimaced as he looked at his friend. "Even with... y'know..." he trailed off, a finger tapping the side of his head, obviously referring to Adelaide.

DogNut's smile dropped and he glared at Ed, gripping his spoon. "What about her?"

Ed swallowed hard, obviously trying to find the right words to say. "Well, it's just that you haven't been as focused as you used to be since..."

As Ed spoke, DogNut got more and more angry and he knew that he was five seconds away from raising hell.

Baby, don't.

"Quiet down," he muttered quietly before turning his attention back to Ed. "I can still do my job, Carter. Why's it such a big deal that Adelaide is with me, huh? Actually, you know what? No, don't answer that. We're done here."

In Your Head ♞ DogNutWhere stories live. Discover now